Name: Dr. Péter Szaffkó
Date of Birth: 7 February 1951
Place of Birth: Veszprém, Hungary
Citizenship: Hungarian
Address: Lázár u. 63/d., Debrecen, Hungary, H-4030
Telephone: (36)(52)446-147
Family: married, 2 children (Tamás 1979, István 1984)
Habilitation (Literature): University of Debrecen (formerly Lajos Kossuth University) (2000)
Ph.D. (Literature): Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen (1994)
Doctoral degree (Literature): Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen (1980)
Teacher's Diploma (English and Russian): Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen (1978)
Home institution:
Department of British Studies (formerly Department of English), University of Debrecen (formerly Lajos Kossuth University (1978—)
1980-1983: junior lecturer
1983-1996: lecturer
1996-2000: senior lecturer
2000-: reader
1994-1998: Deputy Chair of the Department of British Studies
1998-2009: Chair, Department of British Studies
1998-2009: Director, Institute of English and American Studies
2009-: Managing Director, Debrecen Summer School, University of Debrecen
1981-1983: Teacher of Hungarian, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
Fall 1990: Visiting Lecturer, Theatre Department, York University, Toronto, Canada
Fall 1991: Visiting Lecturer, Theatre Department, Royal Holloway College, University of London
Fall 1992: Visiting Lecturer, Theatre Department, Royal Holloway College, University of London
Fall 1999: Visiting Lecturer, Theatre Department, York University, Toronto, Canada
2001-2008: Founding Chair, Department of English, Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania
2004, 2005, 2006: Erasmus Exchange Visiting Lecturer, University of Graz, Austria
2008-2009: Visiting Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, Canada
Visiting Professor at Poznan University College of Business, Poznan, Poland, 2011-
Guest Lecturer at Emanuel University, Oradea, Romania, 2012-
Hungarian-English literary and cultural relations
English-language drama and theatre history (including British, Canadian and Australian)
Central European drama and theatre in English
The theory of historical drama
Postcolonial theatre and drama with special emphasis on Canada and Australia
Lectures and seminars on:
Introduction to Literature
19th c. British Literature
Dickens and the Media
British Dramatic Theory and Criticism
History of British Drama
English-Canadian Theatre and Drama
English-Canadian Theatre History
Australian Theatre and Drama
Performing Skills and the Drama
European Renaissance Theatre
Postcolonial Theatre and Drama
Communication Skills
Introduction to Theatre
Theories of the Modern Theatre
Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpretation
Hungarian Language
Hungarian Literature and Culture
Literary Translation
Organizing Secretary of the Debrecen Summer School, 1978-1981
Technical Editor of Hungarian Studies in English, 1978-1992
Managing Editor of Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies
(formerly Hungarian Studies in English), 1992-1997
Founding member of the Hungarian branch of The English-Speaking Union
Founding member and managing secretary of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English, 1992-
Member of the Board of the European Society for the Study of English, 1992-1997
Founder and Coordinator of Theatre Studies Specialisation, 1997-
Main organizer of the international conference ESSE/4 in Debrecen, Hungary, 1997
President of the Theatre Committee attached to the Csokonai Theatre in Debrecen, 1993-1998
Reader and translator for several Hungarian publishers and theatres, 1987-
Programme-director of the training programme of professional interpreters in Debrecen, 1995-
Founder and main organizer of the Annual Festival of Drama in English held in Debrecen, 1999-
Main organizer of the biennial international conference on “Canada in the European Mind” in Debrecen, 2002, 2004, 2006
Founder and main organizer of the First and Second International Conferences on “Central Europe and the English-Speaking World” in Oradea, Romania (2007-2008)
Founder of the Pálffy István Theatre Studies Special College, 2007
Award of the Hungarian Ministry of Culture for Excellent Teaching Work, 1988
The George Faludy Award for the translation and dissemination of Canadian literary works, 1993 (awarded by the International Branch of the Canadian Writers’ Union)
Faculty Award for Excellent Work for the Community, 2006
Last update:
2023. 06. 08. 11:03