ONLINE office hours

írta: Patkó Petra Erika
Dear Students,

The Institute of English and American Studies is going to hold online office hours next Wednesday (April 29) between noon and 1:30 PM. Although we have been available by email and other electronic means over the past few weeks as well, we thought that some of you might appreciate an opportunity where you can ask questions or express your concerns in a more “personal” setting. The office hours will be held jointly by Dr. Balázs Venkovits, Dr. Ágoston Tóth and Rita Mezőné Fenyvesi and we will try to answer questions that you might have about the upcoming weeks. If you would like to join us, please send an email to by Monday (April 27) and we will send you the link where you can join the meeting. Thank you and all the best!


Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03