The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics kindly invites everyone to Viktória Virovec's public PhD-defense.
Title of dissertation: More than just future: On the non-temporal functions of future morphemes in Hungarian
Avilable online here:
Supervisor: Dr. Rákosi György PhD habil. (University of Debrecen)
Review committee:
- Prof. Dr. Kertész András Dsc (University of Debrecen)
- Prof. Dr. Alberti Gábor Dsc (University of Pécs)
- Dr. Tóth Enikő PhD habil. (University of Debrecen)
- Dr. Kardos Éva PhD (University of Debrecen)
- Dr. Halm Tamás András PhD (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
Official invitation (in Hungarian):…