The dissertation proposal talks of Kiss Nikolett, Marton Andrea, Tóth-Szakál Gabriella.
A community space was opened at the University of Debrecen to showcase the cultural heritage of Central Asian countries, to learn about their traditions and to introduce their languages. The Türk Sarok offers a special meeting point for students from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and for those interested in the region.
We are going to deliver an info session about our Linguistics M.A. programmme.
The Institute of English and American Studies (UniDeb, Faculty of Humanities) is organizing a local round for the 37th OTDK (national undergraduate student researcher conference).
The latest research results in the field of historiography were presented by experts at the 3rd International Historiography Conference, organised by the Institute of History of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (DE) between 21-23 November. The three-day international conference was also the occasion for the presentation of a monograph on István Szabó, an outstanding Debrecen historian.
The governing body of the Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education (CARPE) met in Porto. The University of Debrecen was represented at the event by László Csernoch, Vice-Rector for Research and Zsolt Varga, Scientific Director.
The UD Department of English Linguistics invites you to the following talk: Parragi Flóra (University of Amsterdam): Regulatory factors on grapheme-colour associations: Insights from Hungarian-speaking synesthetes
The Institute of English and American Studies, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Debrecen celebrated the 40th anniversary of the introduction of Canadian Studies and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Canadian-Hungarian diplomatic relations with an international conference. The event, which took place on 24-25 October, was graced by the presence of the Canadian Ambassador to Hungary and the Consul General of Hungary in Montreal. Following the opening ceremony, the world-famous author Margaret Atwood welcomed the participants with a video message.
This year, the University of Debrecen (DE) will host the XXIV National Conference on Educational Science between 24-26 October. The international conference on Education and Care in the Service of Social Well-being - Challenges of Education and Care in an Age of Crises was jointly organized by the Faculty of Childhood Education and Special Education (CEE) and the Faculty of Humanities.