

DEL wishes everyone a wonderful summer!

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics cordially invite everyone to Csilla Sólyom's second year complex exam (doctoral studies). time: 4 July 2023, 13:30 venue: UD main building room 109 ----------------------- primary subject: language acquisition secondary subject: syntax ------------------------ supervisor: Dr. Éva Kardos (senior lecturer, UD) topic: L3 acquisition of pronominal possessors and gender agreement ------------------------ committee:

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics cordially invite everyone to Viktória Virovec's preliminary PhD defense. Time: 3 July 2023, 10:30 Place: UD Main building, room 109 The title of the dissertation: More than just future - On the non-temporal functions of future markers in Hungarian Supervisor: Dr. György Rákosi Dissertation committee:


The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics cordially invite everyone to Tamari Narimanishvili 's dissertation proposal talk.

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics cordially invite everyone to Amira Dhifallah's dissertation proposal talk. - Time: 20 June 2023, 10:00 - Venue: UD main building room 55 - Topic: Collective nouns in Arabic - Supervisor: Dr. György Rákosi FB-event

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics cordially invite everyone to Andrea Szávó's second year complex exam (doctoral studies). time: 16 June 2023, 11:00 venue: UD main building room 109 ----------------------- primary subject: syntax secondary subject: semantics ------------------------ supervisor: Dr. Éva Kardos (senior lecturer, UD)


The International Speaking Skills Development Program between the University of Deb...

Several students from our BA, MA/OMA and PhD programs will have the opportunity to attend a series of linguistics events at Palacký University Olomouc in the Czech Republic on June 7-11, 2023 in the framework of an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP). Here’s a brief description of the program.

We are pleased to announce that the programme for the International Workshop on Maximalization Strategies in the Event Domain, to be held in our department from April 17-19, 2023 is now available. Check out the conference website here.

The Department of English Linguistics is organizing an Art Fair, with 2 categories: - DEL logo. You think you can design a logo better than our current one? We can't wait to see it! The only requirement is that it has to include a dolphin and the name of the department (full or abbreviated). - General DEL art. Create any piece of art (graphics, music, video, poetry, etc.) about language, linguistics or dolphins.