Ekaterina Georgieva (Research Center for Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd Research Network) is teaching an MA/PhD-course titled "Morphology: Typological and theoretical approaches" at DEL between 30 March - 1 April, 2023.

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics kindly invites everyone to Marianna Szabó Habók's dissertation proposal talk Title: Preschool children’s irony comprehension Supervisor: Dr. Enikő Tóth Time: 24 March 2023, 10:30-11:30 Venue: UD main building, room XI

Magam, önmagam, jómagam vagy engem? - avagy gazdag a magyar S hogy mennyire gazdag, az a soron következő Science Café előadásból fog kiderülni, ugyanis a magyar nyelv sokszínűségéről és változatosságáról hallhatnak sok-sok érdekes információt az érdeklődők. Az előadást dr. Rákosi György fogja prezentálni, aki amellett, hogy egyetemünk Angol Nyelvészeti Tanszékének docense, a Névmásblog szerkesztője is. Az előadáson a részvétel ingyenes!

The language of this event is Hungarian. Március 9-én 17:30-tól a Károlin Gáspár Református Egyetemen lesz nyilvános előadása kollégánknak, Rákosi Györgynek, online is lehet csatlakozni. Az online jelenlét esetében vegyék fel a kapcsolatot ezen az e-mail címen, hogy hozzáférést kaphassanak az előadáshoz: e-mail: annabia@indamail.hu

Ekaterina Georgieva (Research Center for Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd Research Network) will be teaching a course "Morphology: typological and theoretical approaches" at DEL between 30 March and 1 April 2023. See the course syllabus here.

We invite everyone for a semester opening bowling party with DEL on 16 February, from 18h in Campus Bowling Bar. We can get 30% discount from all prices with a UD UniPass card. Let's have some fun together! FB-event

In Spring 2023 16 first-year students will have the opportunity to participate in the International Speaking Skills Development program, jointly administered by DEL and Indiana University Bloomington (IUB). In the framework of this program, our students will discuss a variety of topics regarding professional language use with undergraduate students from IUB with a special interest in second language acquisition and education.

Our senior lecturer and department head Éva Kardos was awarded as the Female Scientist of the Year by the University of Debrecen at the UD ceremony on 26 November 2022. Congratulations for the outstanding achievement!

Our former PhD-student Christina Hodeib (currently assistant lecturer at DEL) formally received her PhD-certificate at the UniDeb ceremony on 26 November 2022. Congratulations!

Following the success of DEL Game night I in 2020, we invite everyone for another Game Night with us on 24 November, room 58 from 19:00. We promise good time, snacks, and more. If you’re interested in language games and a lot of competition, bring your friends and join us there. FB-event