Dr. Mónos Katalin / List of publications


  • 2004. Learner Strategies of Hungarian Secondary Grammar School Students. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • 2011. Boda, I. K. & Mónos, K. (eds.) MANYE XX. Kongresszus. AZ ALKALMAZOTT NYELVÉSZET MA: Innováció, Technológia, Tradíció. MANYE, Vol. 7. Budapest-Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.


  • 1994. Mónos, K. & Németh, L. Reflections on a trainers’ training course. NovELTy. 1/3:5-8.
  • 1997. In focus: Centre for English Language Teaching, Department of English Language Studies, Institute of English and American Studies, KLTE, Debrecen. School Experience. 1/3:20-24.
  • 1997. Learner Autonomy. Resources Pool Newsletter. 1/2:5-8.
  • 1997. Towards learner autonomy in initial teacher education: What can be done? Unpublished Master of Education dissertation. College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth, UK.
  • 1998. The 5th Symposium for Language Teacher Educators in Edinburgh, 12-14 November, 1997. Event report. NovELTy Vol. 5/. No. 1
  • 1999. Experiences of a learner training course. Independence. Issue 26:3-7.
  • 2000. Kiss, T. & Mónos, K. Perceptions of teaching practice. Taking stock of the three-year teacher training programme. Proceedings of the Third Central European Teacher Education Conference. May, 1998, Prague. 81-85.
  • 2001. Experiences of a learner training course. In Riordan, T. & Hollósy, B. (eds.) Studies in Linguistics. A Supplement to the Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. V:115-27.
  • 2003. Learner strategies of Hungarian secondary grammar school students in the light of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. NovELTy. 10/1: 4-24
  • 2005. A Study of the English Reading Strategies of Hungarian University Students with Implications for Reading Instruction in an Academic Context. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. Inaugural Volume. 1-23. Available: http://www.melta.org.my/Doc/MonosK_Eng_reading_strategies.pdf
  • 2005. A Study of the English Reading Strategies of Hungarian University Students with Implications for Reading Instruction in an Academic Context. In Kiss Gulyás, J. & Furkóné Banka, I. (eds.) Studies in English Language Learning and Teaching. 53-69. Institute of English American Studies, University of Debrecen.
  • 2005. Csépes, I., Csontos, P., Furkóné Banka, I., Mónos, K. & Sankó, Gy. Components of the English Yardstick Exam: a Report on Test Development and Lessons Learnt. In Kiss Gulyás, J. & Furkóné Banka, I. (eds.) Studies in English Language Learning and Teaching. 111-126. Institute of English American Studies, University of Debrecen.
  • 2006. Metacognitive awareness of the reading strategies of English majors at Debrecen University. In Klaudy, K. & Dobos, Cs. (eds.) A Világ nyelvei és a nyelvek világa. Sokszínűség a gazdaságban, a tudományban és az oktatásban. MANYE 2/1: 334-340.
  • 2007. Mónos, K. & Niemeijer, B. The champion and the laggard: Or what can Hungarians learn from Dutch foreign language education? In R. Sheorey & J. Kiss-Gulyás (Eds.) Studies in Applied and Theoretical Linguistics. 95-117. Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó.
  • 2009. Napravszky, N.; Tánczos, J. & Mónos, K. Diszlexiás és nem diszlexiás általános iskolai tanulók nyelvtanulási stílusainak és stratégiáinak összehasonlító vizsgálata. Új Pedagógiai Szemle. 2009/1: 50-72.
  • 2010. Csűry, I., Mónos, K., Nádor, O. & Boda, I. Beszámoló a MANYE XX. Kongresszusáról. Modern Nyelvoktatás. XVI/4:91-95.
  • 2011. Tánczos, J., Mónos, K. & Wiwczaroski, T. B. Principles and methods of teaching foreign languages to dyslexic learners. ESP World. Online journal for teachers. Issue 32. Available: http://esp-world.info/Articles_32/Issue%2032.htm
  • 2013. Furkó, B.P., Mónos, K. The teachability of communicative competence and the acquisition of pragmatic markers: A case study of some widely-used Business English coursebooks. Argumentum. 9. Special Issue: 132-148.


  • 1999. Learner Independence. In An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Unit 10. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. 20 pages.
  • 1999. Grammar I. In Language Pedagogy I. Unit 8. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. 157-176.
  • 1999. Grammar II. In Language Pedagogy I. Unit 9. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. 177-191.
  • 2000. Speaking I. In Language Pedagogy II. Unit 4. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. 48-67.
  • 2000. Speaking II. In Language Pedagogy II. Unit 5. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. 68-83.
  • 2003. Psycholinguistics. In An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Unit 9. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. 22 pages.
  • 2010. Language Pedagogy 2. Revised version. Distance Learning Degree Programme. University of Debrecen. cca. 150 pages.
  • 2011. Receptive skills - reading and listening. In: Classroom Experience (Lesson Observation). RE-PE-T-HA kézikönyvek [ed.: M. Chrappán]. - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem Tudományegyetemi Karok, pp. 84-112.
  • 2011. Using songs for developing listening skills.: Classroom Experience (Lesson Observation). RE-PE-T-HA kézikönyvek [ed.: M. Chrappán]. - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem Tudományegyetemi Karok, pp. 112-135.
Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03