37th OTDK - UniDeb IEAS local round

The Institute of English and American Studies (UniDeb, Faculty of Humanities) is organizing a local round for the 37th OTDK (national undergraduate student researcher conference).

The Institute of English and American Studies (UniDeb, Faculty of Humanities) is organizing a local round for the 37th OTDK (national student researcher conference).

Date: 29 November 2024

- British and North American studies section
- Linguistics and language pedagogy section

IEAS undergraduate students may register by filling out this form (name, email, Neptun code, program/year, title of research, supervisor).

Registration deadline: Nov 3 2024, 23:59

Further details TBA.


IEAS TDK-website
National OTDK website

Last update: 2024. 09. 26. 10:41