Béla Lukács's complex exam

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Béla Lukács's second year complex exam (doctoral studies).

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Béla Lukács's second year complex exam (doctoral studies).
venue: online, https://unideb.webex.com/unideb/j.php?MTID=mbd98c73d784d2fc233c3d269e8aece7b
primary subject: semantics
secondary subject: language acquisition
supervisor: Dr. Attila Cserép
topic: The role of L1 in figurative language processing by second-language learners
chair: Dr. György Rákosi (DE)
members: Péter Pelyvás (DE), Katalin Dóró (SZE)
official invitation (in Hungarian): https://denydi.unideb.hu/hu/file/831/download?token=JJ8pQSuE

Last update: 2023. 09. 27. 10:58