DEL at Researchers' Night 2022

DEL has participated in the event of Researchers' Night 2022 at UD-IEAS. Our program, was a "linguistic world trip", which consisted of quizzes about idioms, kinship terminology, dialects of English and the Klingon language (from Star Trek). The turnout was great, the visitors really liked the quizzes and the small gifts that we could offer.

The organizing team: Péter Szűcs, Christina Hodeib, Amira Dhifallah, Virovec Viktória,  Nagy Sára Eszter, Szávó Andrea, Azza Slama, Lyna Zymouche, Karajos Rebeka.

Promotion article by Amira Dhifallah in the Debrecen Sun

Photos of the event (Facebook- album)


Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03