írta: Patkó Petra Erika
For our Final Year BA Students

The written part of the state exam will be at 11 a.m. on the 7th of January (in Room 109.)

The oral part of the state exam will be at 9 a.m. on 10th of January. (in Room 109.)

Final Exam Schedule for MA Students

The written part of the final exam for

Literary and Cultural Studies Track: 6th January 9. a.m. Room 109.

Linguistics Track: 3rd January 10. a.m. Room 109.

There is no written part of the final exam for the North American Studies programme.

Oral exam:

Literary and Cultural Studies Track: 9th January 9. a.m. Room 119.

Linguistics Track: 7th January 10. a.m. Room 116/2

North American Studies: 8th January 10. a.m. Room 119.

Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03