Dr. Csépes Ildikó / CV

Personal details

  • Name: Dr. Csépes Ildikó
  • Academic degree: PhD, Dr Habil
  • Current place of work:University of Debrecen, Institute of English and American Studies, Department of English Language Pedagogy
  • Position: senior lecturer
  • Work address: 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
  • Telephone at work: +36 52 412 479 / 22165
  • Fax: +36 52 431 147
  • Email: csepes.ildiko@arts.unideb.hu

Professional qualifications

  • 1984-1989: obtained at the Faculty of Humanities of Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary; qualified as a teacher of Russian literature and linguistics and of English literature and linguistics
  • 1993-1994: MA in “Linguistics for ELT”, Lancaster University, UK
  • 1996-2003: PhD in Language Pedagogy, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest

Language competence

  • English: university degree, fluent
  • Russian: university degree


  • 1989-1991: teacher of English at Tóth Árpád Secondary Grammar School, Debrecen
  • 1991-1996: assistant lecturer at Kossuth Lajos University, Centre for English Teacher Training
  • 1996-2004: assistant lecturer at the University of Debrecen, Department of English Language Learning and Teaching
  • 2004-2012 August: lecturer at the University of Debrecen, Department of English Language Learning and Teaching
  • 2012 September- lecturer at the University of Debrecen, Department of English Linguistics, leader of the English Language Pedagogy working group
  • 2020 July -  Head of Department at at the University of Debrecen, Department of English Language Pedagogy

Courses taught

Undergraduate courses


  • Language Teaching Methods and Related Language Learning Theories (fifth-year teacher training programme, 4th year)


  • ELT methodology (five-year teacher training programme, 4th and 5th year)
  • Classroom Studies (five-year teacher training programme, 5th year)
  • Language Test Construction and Evaluation (five-year programme,3rd and 4th year)
  • Issues in Language Testing (five-year programme, 3rd and 4th year)
  • Skills Development: Reading and Speaking (BA programme, 1st year)
  • Introduction to Language Teaching Methods (BA programme, 3rd year)
  • Evaluation and Assessment (BA programme, 3rd year)
  • Language Teaching Methods (3rd year, undivided teacher training)
  • ELT Methodology 1 (3rd year, undivided teacher training)
  • ELT Methodology 2 (3rd year, undivided teacher training)
  • Individual Learner Differences (4th year, undivided teacher training)
  • Classroom Practices in Focus (4th year, undivided teacher training)
  • Language Test Construction and Evaluation (4th year, undivided teacher training)
  • Individual Learner Differences (4th year, undivided teacher training)

Postgraduate Upgrading Programme


  • Language Teaching Methods and Related Language Learning Theories


  • Language Test Construction and Evaluation

MA in English Teacher Training


  • ELT Methodology 1 (in distance mode too)
  • ELT Methodology 2 (in distance mode too)
  • Classroom Practices in Focus
  • Language Test Construction and Evaluation

Distance Learning

  • Language Pedagogy I.
  • Language Pedagogy II.

Doctoral (PhD) Program on the Educational Sciences
Disciplinary Didactics Research and its Applications

  • Reading professional literature in English (optional course)
  • Language Testing and Assessment (Főkollégium - lecture)
  • Alternative forms of assessment (Főkollégium - lecture)
  • Vocabulary Learning Strategies (optional course)

Scholarships, studies abroad, workshops and projects

  • 1990: ITTI, one-month teacher training course at International House Language School, Budapest
  • 1992: three-week teacher training summer course at Morey House, Edinburgh (British Council scholarship)
  • 1993-94: one-year full-time MA in Linguistics for ELT course at the University of Lancaster (FEFA scholarship)
  • 1995: 10-day British Council International Summer Seminar entitled „Communicative Language Testing Revisited” at the University of Lancaster (British Council scholarship)
  • 1999: two-week study trip for members of the Hungarian Examination Reform Project, Manchester University (British Council scholarship)
  • 2002: three-week study trip (International Visitor Program) organized by the US State Department. During my stay I met outstanding language testing experts (Prof. Lyle Bachman and Dr. Fred Davidson) and visited well-known institutions such as FSI, ACTEFL and ETS.
  • 2005: two-day workshop entitled “Classical Test Theory: Introduction to basic statistics of pedagogical measurement”, organized by the Csongrád County Pedagogical Institute and ENLTA, as part of a language testing project of the European Union. The workshop leader was Dr. Norman Verhelst (CITO, Holland)
  • 2006: three-day workshop entitled „Introduction to IRT”, organized by the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations and the Hungarian Educational Authority. The workshop leader was Dr. Norman Verhelst (CITO, Holland)
  • 2007: three-day workshop entitled „Standard Setting in Practice” organized by the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations and the Hungarian Educational Authority. The workshop leaders were Prof. Felianka Kaftanjieva (Bulgaria), Prof. Sauli Takala (Finland), Dr. Neus Figueras (Spain)
  • 2009: delegated participant by the Hungarian Ministry of Education at the three-day "RelEx workshop", focusing on linking examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The workshop was organised at the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, Austria.

Professional activities

  • 1994-98: coordinator for the comprehensive language exam at the Centre for English Teacher Training (CETT)
  • 1997-99: co-coordinator of the cross-country Testing Mini-Project funded the British Council
  • 1997- member of the Item Writer Team of the University/College Entrance Exam in English
  • 1998-2006: member of the Hungarian Examinations Reform Teacher Support Project of the British Council (item writer, Core Team member, materials developer and trainer at the Oral Examiner Training course)
  • 2000-2002: anonym reviewer for Language Testing Journal and novELTty
  • 2001: external expert of the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations
  • 2003- founding member and secretary for the Hungarian Association of Language Examiners and Measurement Specialists, only a central committee member since 2007
  • 2004- member of EALTA (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment)
  • 2004 January-2006 July: member of the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations
  • 2006: conference organizer for the “Into Europe – European Standards in Language Assessment” international conference in Budapest,
  • 2006 August - 2014 July: Chair of the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations
  • 2007: workshop coordinator for the „Standard Setting in Practice” event, organized by the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations and the Hungarian Educational Authority
  • 2008 August-2014 July: Chair of the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations
  • 2009 October 19-21: invited lecturer, teaching sessions on Language Pedagogy for MA students at Cyprus University, Nikosia
  • 2009-2011: Member of the English working group of the RE-PE-T-HA project (Regional Pre- and In-service Teacher Training Network and Database in the North-east Region of Hungary, TÁMOP-4.1.2-08/1/B-2009-0001.)
  • 2014-2015 Sept: member of the English Working Group of the SZAKTÁRNET project (Enhancing the regional networks of professional services and research activities to support teacher development in the North-east region of Hungary,TÁMOP 4.1.2.B.2-13/1)
  • 2014 July 28- August 1: 3. EALTA Summer School: Testing and assessment for learning languages, Università per Stranieri di Siena (Italy), course tutor (together with James Purpura, Gudrun Erickson, Dina Tsagari)
  • 2014 November 6-8: XIV. National Conference on Education, member of the organising committee
  • 2015 January 1-December 31: Theoretical and Linguistic Foundations of a New Type of Language Learning Program in English and German for Secondary Schools (project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ketész András, MTA 6847/103/2014), the coordinator for the English working group
  • 2015 March 6 & June 15: local coordinator for the Council of Europe’s Language Policy Unit project on calibrating the CEFR descriptors for Mediation
  • 2015 April 8-10: reviewer and member of the jury at the XXXII. National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
  • 2015 September - 2018 August: Hungarian coordinator for the Teachers' Assessment Literacy Enhancement project (TALE), Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for school education, KA2, European Lifelong Learning Programmes
  • 2017 August - 2021 December: project member of EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00021 „A Debreceni Egyetem fejlesztése a felsőfokú oktatás minőségének és hozzáférhetőségének együttes javítása érdekében” (Developing the University of Debrecen to Enhance the Quality and Accessibility of Education)

Conference presentations and workshops

  • 1992: I. HUSSE conference, Debrecen. Title of the presentation: The Use of Reflective Journals on the Three-year Teacher Education Programme
  • 1995: II. HUSSE conference, Szeged. Title of the presentation: Discrete-point vs. Integrative Testing of Grammar
  • 1998: VI. IATEFL-H konferencia, Budapest. The title of the joint presentation (co-presenter: Dávid Gergely): Bank of Students’ Errors.
  • 2001: NYESZE annual conference, Budapest. Title of the joint presentation: The new school leaving exam in English
  • 2001: I. National Pedagogy Conference, Budapest. Title of the presentation: Measuring oral proficiency in pairs. How do different proficiency level partners impact on performance outcomes?
  • 2001: XI. IATEFL-H conference, Nyíregyháza. Title of the first presentation: The New English Érettségi. Title of the second presentation: Is testing speaking in pairs disadvantageous for students?
  • 2003: XIII. IATEFL-H conference, Budapest. Title of the presentation: Into Europe: Assessing Speaking
  • 2003: Peacekeeping English Project Christmas Testing Conference, Budapest. Title of the first presentation: Paired Oral Testing. Title of the second presentation: Designing Speaking Tests to the CEF
  • 2004: Standards in language learning and the Common European Framework, British Council conference, Berlin. Title of the presentation: Benchmarking Oral Performances in the Hungarian Context
  • 2004: National Standards within a Common European Frame, Szeged. Title of the presentation: Standardising oral examiners: Interlocutor training
  • 2004: Inaugural Conference of European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA), Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Title of the presentation: How could training of language examiners be related to the CEF? – A case study.
  • 2006: Into Europe – European Standards in Language Assessment, Budapest. The title for the joint presentation (co-presenter: Tankó Gyula): INTO EUROPE: The Speaking and Writing Handbook
  • 2006: 3rd Conference of European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA), Krakow, Poland. The title for the two-day workshop (co-presenter: Együd Györgyi): Assessing Speaking at B1 level: Training interlocutors and assessors
  • 2006: Current Issues in Language Education in Europe, Jyväskylä, Finland. Title of the presentation: A model for oral examiner training
  • 2007: Workshop for external experts of the Hungarian Board for Accrediting Foreign Language Examinations, Budapest. Title of the presentation: Standard setting for aligning exams with the CEFR
  • 2010: Invited speaker at the workshop organised by the European Commission on "Computer-based testing of Speaking Skills", Brussels, Belgum. Title of the presentation: Validity Issues in Face-to-Face versus Semi-Direct Tests of Speaking
  • 2010: XX. MANYE Congress, University of Debrecen. Title of the presentation: "A szóbeli idegen nyelvi kompetencia mérése: tradíció és innováció" (Measuring Oral Proficiency: Tradition and Innovation)
  • 2013: Invited speaker at the 4th EALTA Classroom-based Language Assessment SIG Symposium, Nicosia, Cyprus. Title of the plenary: Language Assessment Literacy in the Hungarian Context: What is it like and how is it developed in English teacher training? Title of the workshop: Peer Assessment of Oral Performances for Teacher Training Purposes
  • 2014 (April 24-25): A siker záloga. Iskolai hatékonyság Magyarországon és az USA-ban - conference (Efficiency in the classroom in Hungary and the USA), University of Debrecen. Title of the workshop: How can classroom-based assessment be learner-centred? Challenges, benefits and practical applications.
  • 2014 (November 7): XIV. National Conference on Education, chair for the symposium on Foreign Language Education. Title of the symposium presentation: Language Assessment Literacy in English Teacher Training in Hungary - Is it possible to reach the curricular objectives?
  • 2015 (April 11): Teacher Development Training, University of Debrecen. SZAKTÁRNET, TÁMOP 4.1.2.B.2-13/1-2013-0009. project. The title of the sessions: Language Assessment
  • 2015 (May 28-31): 12th EALTA conference (Copenhagen, Denmark). Title of the poster: Language Assessment Literacy in English Teacher Education Programmes in Hungary: Policy vs. Reality
  • 2015 (September 18): Closing event of the SZAKTÁRNET project - Results 1: Study trips and conferences; Research in disciplinary didactics II.
  • 2015 (október 9): invited speaker at Szeged University, Mentor(h)áló 2.0 Program” project TÁMOP-4.1.2.B.2-13/1-2013-0008. The title of the workshop: Teacher training: evaluation, assessment and curruculum development
  • 2015 (October 30): Invited speaker at the 6th EALTA Classroom-based Language Assessment SIG Symposium, Nicosia, Cyprus. Title of the workshop: Enhancing metacognition for self- and peer evaluation purposes: the case of testing reading by classroom teachers
  • 2016 (March 24): Closing conference aof the MTA Disciplinary Didactics project (6847/103/2014), Budapest. The title of the presentation: Theoretical and Linguistic Foundations of a New Type of Language Learning Program in English and German for Secondary Schools (co-presenter: Csatár Péter, DE Institute of German Studies)
  • 2016 (June 10th): TALE mini-conference (event organizer and presenter). Title of the presentation: Classroom-based language assessment: the needs and beliefs of English language teachers and students (co-presenter: Adrienn Fekete)
  • 2016 (June 20-24): LTRC 2016, Palermo, Italy. Poster presentation: Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Enhancement (TALE): Identifying Contextual Factors (co-presenter: Dina Tsagari)
  • 2017 (November 9-11): XVII. National Conference on Education, Nyíregyháza. Title of the presentation: Milyen nyelvtudásmérési és értékelési szükségletei vannak a nyelvtanulás résztvevőinek? (co-presenter: Adrienn Fekete)
  • 2017 (November 24th): 2nd Multiplier Event of the TALE Project(event organizer and presenter). Title of the presentation: Tasting (the) TALE (co-presenter: Adrienn Fekete)
  • 2018 (May 12th): Language Assessment Literacy: Theory and Practice, Closing Conference of the TALE Project, Nicosia, Cyprus. Title of the workshop: Assessing Reading (co-presenter: Adrienn Fekete)
  • 2019 (January 31): HUSSE Conference, panel member of the roundtable discussion on Teacher Education from 1990s up until today
  • 2019 (September 20th): Language Testing and Assessment Conference: New Challenges – Technology and Human Interaction in Language Assessment. Title of the presentation: What are Hungarian stakeholders’ (teachers and learners) perceptions of classroom-based language assessment? Some findings that can benefit the use of technology in assessment
  • 2023 (27-30 August) ATEE Conference, Budapest. Title of the presentation: Teacher identity in the making: how pre-service trainees navigate between idealistic views and actual classroom-based issues in the Hungarian context. (co-presenter: Dr. Szabó Fruzsina)
  • 2024 (4-6 september) SLTED Conference, Brno. Title of the presentation: How pre-service trainees navigate between idealistic views and classroom-based reality. (co-presenter: Dr. Szabó Fruzsina)
  • 2024 (4-6 September) SLTED Conference, Brno. Title of the presentation: How pre-service trainees navigate between idealistic views and classroom-based reality. (co-presenter: Dr. Szabó Fruzsina) 
  • 2024 (24-26 October) ONK, Debrecen. Title of the presentation: Nyelvtanári identitás kialakulása magyarországi tanárjelöltek körében: kihívások az osztálytermi valóságban (co-presenter: Dr. Szabó Fruzsina) 
  • 2024 (24-26 October) ONK, Debrecen. Title of the presentation: Az oktatás színtere és a kiegészítő magán nyelvoktatásban való részvétel összefüggéseinek vizsgálata. Egy északkelet-magyarországi gimnáziumi  nyelvtanulók körében végzett kvantitatív kutatás eredményei a kulturális és társadalmi tőke tükrében (co-presenter: Hegedűs Gabriella)

Research areas

  • foreign language testing and assessment (oral proficiency testing, aligning language exams with the Common European Framework of Reference, language teachers' language assessment literacy)
  • language pedagogy (ELT methodology)

Supervision since 2003
      1. BA/MA thesis

  • 2003: 4
  • 2004: 5
  • 2005: 4
  • 2006: 2
  • 2007: 7
  • 2008: 10
  • 2009: 6
  • 2010: 7
  • 2011: 6
  • 2012: 2
  • 2014: 3
  • 2015: 3
  • 2016: 4
  • 2017: 3
  • 2018: 1
  • 2019: 2
  • 2020: 2
  • 2021: 1
  • 2022: 3
  • 2024: 1

      2. Participation in PhD defence committees: 7

      3. Supervising research projects for the National Conference of Undergraduate Research

  • Kárai Dániel: Culture and the Language Classroom (2013, Kaposvár) - first place in the Learning and Teaching Methodology, Knowledge Technology section

      4. PhD supervision

  • 2016: 2 students were awarded absolutorium
  • 2017: 1 student was awarded absolutorium
  • 2020: 1 successful PhD defence
  • 2020 - : supervison of 1 student

Current administrative experience at IEA

  • 2002- coordinator for the English Yardstick Exam of first-year BA students
  • 2004- member of the Institute Council
  • 2011 September- web page editor for the English Language Pedagogy Working Group
  • 2012- Member of the Educational Council of the English-American Institute
  • 2014 November- member of the Teacher Training Committee (program accreditation)
  • 2015 September - ELT consultant for the Teacher Training Centre of Debrecen University
  • 2015 September- member of the Teacher Training Committee (school teaching practice)
  • 2018 March - 2020 June: leader of the non-departmental English Language Pedagogy Working Group
  • 2020 July - Head of Department at the Department of English Language Pedagogy

Previous administrative experience at IEA

  • 2008-2011 August: web page editor for DELLT
  • 2011 September- 2018 March coordinator of the English Language Pedagogy Working Group
  • 2012-2018 March Deputy head of the Department of English Linguistics, member of the Dept. Council
  • 2013.09.01-2014.01.31: Interim Head of Department at the Department of English Linguistics
Last update: 2025. 02. 05. 20:34