Tips for Taking the EYE: Reading

  • Read through the text (you are going to work on) fast first to have an overall picture of it.
  • Skim through the questions written to the particular text.
  • Go back to the text and read it again, carefully, searching for the part of the text that may have the answer to the questions.
  • Look for key words/phrases in the text that may help you answer the questions.
  • Do not automatically choose the answer that contains vocabulary items identical with ones in the text.
  • If you cannot answer a question, exclude all the options from among the answers that are definitely incorrect, and then try to choose one from what is left.
  • If you still cannot answer a question, go on to the following one. It is better to miss one answer than to miss all the rest.
  • Do not spend more than ten minutes on one text so that you will have enough time for the remaining - and probably more difficult - text(s), too.
  • When sentences or clauses are removed from the text, try one of the following:
    • Use your knowledge of grammar /sentence structure to decide which option fits in the text.
    • Identify and match references in the text and the removed sentences/clauses.
    • Use your knowledge of the world and/or the context.
Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03