The aim of this three-day intensive minicourse is to introduce and discuss issues arising in connection with the structure of nominal expressions.
The aim of this three-day intensive minicourse is to introduce and discuss issues arising in connection with the structure of nominal expressions. After a brief introduction to generative assumptions about X-bar syntax, we will discuss the functional projections posited in nominal phrases, starting at the bottom and working our way up to the DP level and beyond. In addition to offering an overview of the extant literature, the course also features the instructor's ongoing work at the relevant points. We will aim to compare and contrast different analyses of the same data wherever possible, and will heavily draw on crosslinguistic data to motivate the hypotheses about structure.
Time: 4-6 November 2021
Location: UD main building room 109

Last update:
2023. 09. 27. 10:55