Augusto C. Petter - CV

Augusto Castanho da Maia Petter


Tel: +33 745 22 03 57.  E-Mail:



Dr Augusto Petter holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, where he was awarded the Jacob Burckhardt Fellowship. He holds an MA in history from the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He has experience researching modern monarchies, global history, history and literature, and philosophy of history. He currently teaches Nineteenth-Century History at the Sciences Po Paris. Member of the research group História Intelectual e dos Conceitos (UFSM) and of the Modern Monarchy in Global Perspective Research Hub (University of Sydney). His current research centres on the travels of the Brazilian emperor and the aesthetic aspects of sovereignty.


University Education


2018 – 2023  PhD in History at the European University Institute – Florence, Italy.

Thesis Title: Here There and Everywhere: the ubiquitous presence of Dom Pedro II in 1876-1877.

Academic advisor: Lucy Riall.

Second reader: Pieter Judson.



2016 – 2018 Master course in “Applied and Interdisciplinary History «Usable Pasts»” at National Research University Higher School of Economics - SPb, HSE, Russia.
Research Title: The Imperial Gaze: D. Pedro de Alcântara’s visit to the Russian Empire in 1876.
Academic advisor: Prof. Alexander Semyonov.


2016 – (interrupted) Master in History at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil.
Thesis title:
Tempo e Niilismo em F. M. Dostoiévski (Time and Nihilism in F. M. Dostoevsky).

Academic advisor: Prof. Carlos Henrique Armani.



2012 – 2015 Bachelor degree in History at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil.
Thesis title: No Eclipse da História: Afonso Celso e o pensamento monarquista no Brasil em Fin-de-Siècle (In the Eclipse of History: Afonso Celso and the Monarchical Thinking in Fin-de-Siècle Brazil).

Academic advisor: Prof. Carlos Henrique Armani.



Peer-reviewed Publications


PETTER, Augusto. The Imperial Meteor: time and velocity in Pedro II’s journey of 1876-77. Revista Acta Poloniae Historica (Warsaw), (In press).



ARMANI, C. H.; PETTER, Augusto. No Eclipse da História: Afonso Celso e o Pensamento Monarquista no Brasil em Fin-de-Siècle. Revista Expedições (Morrinhos/GO), v. 8, n. 3, set./dez. 2017.


FERTIG, A. A.; PETTER, Augusto. Um Imperador Estoico: o Dom Pedro II de Heitor Lyra. Estudios Históricos (Rivera), v. NÂo 16, p. 1, 2016.


PETTER, Augusto. O discurso monarquista brasileiro na historiografia intelectual: uma possibilidade de conteúdo e forma. Aedos: Revista do Corpo Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFRGS (Online), v. 8, p. 210-232, 2016.


Awarded scholarships

2018 – 2022. European University Institute – Jacob Burkhardt doctoral fellowship in History and Civilization

2016 – 2018. National Research University – Higher School of Economics “SPb” - Full-tuition scholarship

2015 – 2015. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa (FIPE Sênior)
2014 – 2014. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa (FIPE Jr.)
2013 – 2013. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa (FIPE Jr.)


Conference Presentations

2023 – Death in Exile. Public funerals for private royals abroad. University of Copenhagen.

2023 – When Satan is an Anthropologist. Devilman and the End of the World. Fondazione Einaudi. Turin.

2022 - An Imperial Meteor: time and velocity in Pedro II’s journey of 1876-77. UW, Warsaw.

2022 - The Emperor's New Books: Dom Pedro II among Russian scholars. Princeton University, Princeton NJ.

2017 - The Dystopian side of the Modernity: nature, technology, and the historical process. Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg.

2016 - The Monarchist Thought in Fin-de-Siècle Brazil: viewed by intellectual history. HSE, Saint Petersburg.

2016 - O tempo narrado como liame entre a temporalidade existencial e o tempo da história. UFSM, Santa Maria.

2016 - Dostoiévski para Historiadores. PUC-RS, Porto Alegre.

2015 – A Beleza Salvara o Mundo. A filosofia da história de Dostoiévski. PUC-RS, Porto Alegre.
2015 - A teoria como metodologia da História Intelectual. UPF, Passo Fundo.
2015 - 'O grande combate entre o bem e o mal': a presença da filosofia da história medieval no final do séc. XIX. UFSM, Santa Maria.
2014 - O Segundo Reinado e a figura de D. Pedro II na formação da identidade nacional nas primeiras décadas da República (1890-1910). PUC-RS, Porto Alegre.
2014 - Um Imperador Estoico: o Dom Pedro II de Heitor Lyra. UFPEL, Pelotas.


Organization of academic events
2015- II Jornada de Estudos sobre o Mundo Antigo e Medieval da UFSM.
2014- Ciclo de Cinema Série Vikings.
2014- II Encontro Internacional – Redes Intelectuais e Espaços de Fronteiras: Ultrapassando o Âmbito do Estado Nação.




2017 – Autumn School - “Changes in an Interdisciplinary Perspective”, HSE, Russia. 2017 – Seminar “North and Northerners”, HSE, Russia.
2014 - Micro-História, Trajetórias e Imigração com Giovani Levi. (20h), UFSM, Brasil. 2014 - Ética e Hermenêutica em Paul Ricoeur. (5h), UFSM, Brasil.



Teaching experience

Teaching assistant at Sciences Po Paris, Menton Campus:

2023 – History of the European Nineteenth Century

2023 – History of the Modern World – The Age of Masses


Teaching assistant at the Federal University in Santa Maria:

2016 - History and Cinema (teaching bachelor students in History)

2016 - Theory of History (teaching bachelor students in History)



2016 - Academic advisor in the research project entitled “A Finitude Humana e a ideia de civilização no Entreguerras.” by Pedro Leal Gomes (Undergraduate research in History at the UFSM, Brazil).


Language skills

Portuguese – Native.    English - Fluent.          Italian – Advanced.      Spanish - Advanced.

Russian – Advanced.    German – Intermediate. French – Intermediate.

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 02. 11. 19:23