Faculty of Arts
- Secretary: Dr. Szendrei Ákos
- Office hours: Mo/Wed/Fri: 9.30-11.00, Tu/Thu: 1.30-3.00 p.m.
- Place: Main Blg. Rm 15.A.
- Tel.: + 36 52 512-900/etx. 61834
- e-mail: phdbtk@arts.unideb.hu
- website: http://btkphd.unideb.hu
Doctoral School of Literature and Culture
- Secretary: Dr. Gönczy Monika
- Office hour: Tue 9-12 Wed 12-15
- Place: Main Bldg. Rm 3
- Tel.: + 36 52 512-900/ext.22650
- e-mail: deidi@arts.unideb.hu
- website: http://www.deidi.unideb.hu
British and North-American Literature and Culture Study Programme
- Secretary: Erika Kiss
Last update:
2023. 09. 12. 14:56