Attila Cserép - Courses



For the syllabi see the e-learning site




AN20001BA/AN1006OMA English Pronunciation

This course is designed in order to strengthen the understanding of the subject-matter on the one hand and to help students improve their pronunciation on the other. The seminars will focus on encouraging students to gain conscious control over speech production both on segmental and suprasegmental levels. Special attention will be devoted to the different features of prominence and intonation in English and the transcription of speech sounds will be studied using IPA symbols.


AN11002BA/AN18004BA/AN1103OMA/ANL11002BA Targeting the Verb Phrase

This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar. It is offered in the hope that students will have plenty of opportunities to practise various points of grammar related to the topics listed below. It is intended to serve as a follow-up seminar covering areas which are the same as or related to those mentioned in the corresponding lecture course. The topics to be covered are as follows: irregular verbs, tenses, auxiliaries, the passive, conditional, past subjunctive, non-finite forms (infinitive, gerund, participle).


AN21000BA/AN2100OMA/ANL21000BA/AN28001BA The Structure of English 2: The Noun Phrase 

This series of lectures is designed to be the continuation of the lectures on the verb phrase. It will concentrate on the noun phrase and some related topics. Primarily, it will be devoted to highlighting and clarifying several crucial issues in the relevant material. In addition, occasionally it will offer a critical approach to some aspects of the description of the noun phrase. The lecture handouts and information about the exam can be found on the web. Students are expected to print out the relevant handout and bring it to the lecture.


AN21001BA/ANL21001BA/AN2101OMA Targeting the Noun Phrase

This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar. It is offered in the hope that students will have plenty of opportunities to practise various points of grammar related to the topics listed below. Targeting the Noun Phrase is intended to serve as a follow-up seminar covering areas which are the same as or related to those mentioned in the corresponding lecture course. The topics to be covered are as follows: the noun (number, gender, case), pronouns, relative clauses, pre- and postmodification, determiners, articles, adjectives, adverbs, and adverbial clauses.


AN10004BA Grammar in Context

This course supplements traditional grammar study with exercises that raise students’ awareness of the existence of different language varieties and typical tendencies and features characteristic of those varieties, as well as awareness of the functions associated with words and patterns. The focus will be on areas related to the verb. There will be some overlap with Targeting the Verb Phrase topics (tenses, modals, conditional), but this course will also cover aspects of grammar that are not dealt with extensively elsewhere. The purpose of the course is to enable the practice of grammatical constructions in context.


AN21003BA/AN2104OMA/AN1050MA/ANL1805MA Challenging Grammar

This course supplements the study of descriptive grammar with a linguistic approach to the traditional grammar topics that students are familiar with. It will offer further grammar practice as well as insight into the grammar areas with the help of exercises based on naturally occurring data. The aim of the course is to help the student analyze English grammar and understand how it works in real communication.


BTAN11001BA/BTAN1100OMA Vocabulary Building

The course will aim to enhance students’ knowledge of idiomatic expressions including phrasal verbs. Many of the idiomatic phrases will be presented through different types of text, grouped around everyday concepts and topics, and a broad range of exercises will be used to practise the material. There will be occasional discussions of the origin of some expressions.


AN10006BA/AN1005OMA Advanced Writing and Composition

After the first term’s introductory course into writing, which focused on paragraph writing and individual genres (rhetorical strategies, treatment of material), this course moves beyond, but relies on what has been covered in the first term’s material. Following an in-depth treatment of, and practice in, argumentation (supporting claims with evidence, being mindful of audience and purpose, strategies as well as fallacies of argumentation), a considerable amount of time is dedicated to revision. The third part of this course deals with the theory and practice of summary writing, a skill tested in the end-of-year EYE.



BA, Linguistics track


AN40001BA/AN40023BA/AN5302OMA Lexicology and Phraseology

The aim of the course is to familiarize you with the rudiments of the study of words and word combinations. Word structure and word-formation will be studied with the help of many practical exercises focusing on the analysis of words into meaningful segments. These segments come in various types and forms, and this will be illustrated through the exercises. The topics to be covered include the morpheme, variations in the form of the morpheme, word-formation processes such as derivation, compounding, clipping, blending, etc., as well as etymology, borrowing, formal and meaning relations between words. Finally, it time permits, we will explore two major types of conventional multiword expressions.



ANL40001BA Lexicology and Phraseology (Distance learning)

The aim of the course is to familiarize you with the rudiments of the study of words and word combinations. Word structure and word-formation will be studied with the help of many practical exercises focusing on the analysis of words into meaningful segments. These segments come in various types and forms, and this will be illustrated through the exercises. The topics to be covered include the morpheme, variations in the form of the morpheme, word-formation processes such as derivation, compounding, clipping, blending, etc., as well as etymology, borrowing, formal and meaning relations between words. Finally, it time permits, we will explore two major types of conventional multiword expressions.



BA, Business English Specialization


AN25006BA Lexicography

The lecture course aims to introduce you to the study of dictionaries and how the lexicon is presented in these repositories of words. Throughout the course, the focus will be on what aspects of linguistic information is provided by dictionaries and what theoretical principles guide the lexicographer in compiling a dictionary. The course will cover both printed and online dictionaries as well as databases that serve as resources for dictionary writers (e.g. DANTE). The topics discussed include metalexicography, dictionary types, the structure of entries, the treatment of collocations and idioms, equivalents and explanatory equivalents in bilingual dictionaries, English learner’s dictionaries, corpus-based lexicography, dictionary criticism and compilation.


ANL25006BA Lexicography (Distance learning)

This course sets out to introduce students - by distance learning - both to lexicography, a well-established traditional discipline in applied linguistics and to computational lexicography, a relatively new field concerned partly with the design, analysis and evaluation of electronic dictionaries and partly with the creation of lexical databases via computational methods for lexical research and/or for the extraction of lexical sets for the purposes of teaching or materials development.



MA in English Studies


BTAN1003MA Terms and Concepts in Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies

Team taught course.



MA in English Studies, Linguistics


AN5014MA Perspectives on the Lexicon

AN5001MA Lexicology

The course will introduce you to the study of words. The topics to be covered include the linguistic sign, English morphology, types of word-formation (derivation, compounding, manufacture, initialism, clipping, blending, back-formation), productivity, syntactic and semantic issues in word-formation, meaning relations between words and the lexicon as a system. Word combinations will not be dealt with, since a separate course (Phraseology) is devoted to multi-word expressions.


AN5009MA Phraseology

The course will introduce you to the study of conventional word combinations including collocations, idioms and proverbs (auspicious startlose one's headchild's playif you must knowNever look a gift horse in the mouth). The following topics will be dealt with: properties of formulaic language, classification of phraseological units, phraseological units in text, syntactic and semantic properties of idioms, metaphor and metonymy, properties of proverbs, catchphrases, quotations and clichés. The readings will illustrate how multiword expressions, especially collocations and idioms, can be studied and analyzed using concordances and authentic examples taken from corpora. The course will have something to say about the form, meaning and function of phraseological units.


AN5008MA Lexicography

The course aims to introduce you to the study of dictionaries and how the lexicon is presented in these repositories of words. Throughout the discussion, the focus will be on what aspects of linguistic information is provided by dictionaries and what theoretical principles guide the lexicographer in compiling a dictionary. The course will cover both printed and online dictionaries as well as databases that serve as resources for dictionary writers (e.g. DANTE).


AN5015MA Advanced Topics in Semantics: Figurative Language

The course will survey the major types of figurative language. Its aim is to raise students’ awareness that figurative language is more than just decorative: it is pervasive because the underlying cognitive mechanisms and structures are pervasive in thought. Conceptual Metaphor Theory will be introduced and applied to linguistic examples. Metaphor will be compared with metonymy and blending. The metaphoric and metonymic motivation of idioms will be discussed within a cognitive model of idiom representation, idiom variants will be studied and the reasons for variation explained.



MA in North American Studies


AN3029MA American Culture through Language: Metaphor and Ideology in America

The course explores the role of language in forming assumptions about what the world is and should be like. Figurative language use, especially metaphorical expressions, lexical and grammatical patterns, recurrent phrases all reveal underlying assumptions of the text producer (and target audience) in terms of socio-cultural values and ideology. Assuming that the language we speak yields important insights into our identity and thinking, English will be scrutinized with a focus on the typical metaphors and metonyms, turns of phrase, lexical items that help conceptualize key issues and topics in cultural, political and social fields. Conceptual metaphor theory will be used to identify major domains that figurative language draws on, such as WAR, GAMES, ORGANISM, FAMILY, and to reveal what the application of the given figurative device tells us about the issue at hand and, in a wider context, about Americans’ view of their institutions and culture. Ideology is interpreted in a broad sense, something like ‘perspective’ or ‘evaluation’. Viewed broadly, the course addresses the issue of the relationship between language and reality/thought, more narrowly, it examines the conscious and subconscious effect of figurative language on thinking and the ideological function of metaphor in areas such as war, race, business, globalization etc.



MA in English teacher training


AN1010MA Targeting the Noun Phrase

This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar. It is offered in the hope that students will have plenty of opportunities to practise various points of grammar related to the topics listed below. Targeting the Noun Phrase is intended to serve as a follow-up seminar covering areas which are the same as or related to those mentioned in the corresponding lecture course. The topics to be covered are as follows: the noun (number, gender, case), pronouns, relative clauses, pre- and postmodification, determiners, articles, adjectives, adverbs, and adverbial clauses.


AN1050MA/ANL1805MA Challenging Grammar

This course supplements the study of descriptive grammar with a linguistic approach to the traditional grammar topics that students are familiar with. It will offer further grammar practice as well as insight into the grammar areas with the help of exercises based on naturally occurring data. The aim of the course is to help the student analyze English grammar and understand how it works in real communication.


ANT400 Introduction to Phraseology (Distance Learning: second and third years)

We will start with an introduction that gives examples of several categories of formulaic language and explains the role of prefabricated chunks. On the whole, after the introductory unit the we will progress from relatively free to fixed expressions, with the focus on various key properties of conventional expressions and on theoretical frameworks within which formulaic language can be analyzed. Although there is no straightforward relationship between degrees of restrictedness and length, as you progress, you will be concerned first mostly with phrase-length expressions, then with idioms, most of which are phrase-like but many sentence-like examples can also be found, finally with typically sentence-like units such as proverbs, quotations, slogans, etc.



Tertiary education


BTIKOM1101FSZ Grammar Practice

This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar. The primary goal of the course is to systematically revise the grammatical structures of the English language: the tenses, auxiliaries, conditional and passive sentences, causative structures, the difficult areas of the noun phrase (determiners, articles, countability) as well as complex sentences. A wealth of contextualized and graded grammar exercises are a key factor in the preparation for the proficiency examination.


BTIKOM2102FSZ Use of English

This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar. The primary goal of the course is to systematically revise the grammatical structures of the English language: the tenses, auxiliaries, conditional and passive sentences, causative structures, the difficult areas of the noun phrase (determiners, articles, countability) as well as complex sentences. A wealth of contextualized and graded grammar exercises are used to help students prepare for their languag exam. This course is the continuation of Grammar Practice offered in the first semester.


BTIKOM1102FSZ Vocabulary Building

The course will aim to enhance students’ knowledge of idiomatic expressions including phrasal verbs as well as collocations. Many of the expressions will be presented through different types of text, grouped around everyday concepts and topics, and a broad range of exercises will be used to practise the material. There will be occasional discussions of the origin of some expressions.



Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03