The exam can be taken by students completing the Business English Specialization programme in the given semester. Those wishing to take the exam should sign up for the corresponding seminar in Neptun during registration week.
Exam format
The exam consists of a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) followed by a 10-minute question-answer session related to the presentation and research report (see below).
Details of the exam procedure
You are required to choose a topic and name one of the Business English courses related to the topic. Topics unrelated to the courses you have completed are not accepted. It is advisable to consult course instructors beforehand. The choice of topic and course should be announced on the university’s e-learning platform well in time (typically around the spring break). Having chosen a topic, you can start working on your presentation at your own pace. Please note that you can turn to course instructors for occasional help, but the instructor should not be regarded as a “supervisor” who gives feedback and guides every step. It is your responsibility to prepare the exam material. The aim of the exam is to see if you have acquired the skills and business-related knowledge required by the specialization. The research report and PowerPoint slides should be uploaded on the e-learning site by 8:10 on the day of the exam.
Requirements of the presentation and research report
Plagiarism and AI-generated content is not permitted. The content of the presentation should be the result of your own research and reading. Topics and ideas for the exam can be taken from resources such as the EBSCO databases (e.g. Business Source Premier), Pew Research Center, TED Talks, etc. You need to find an aspect of the selected topic that you cover in detail which goes beyond the classroom discussions; do not use essays and projects that have earned you credits. During the PowerPoint slide show the use of Show Presenter View is not permitted.
The presentation should be accompanied by a research report, the content of which is summarized on one or two slides in the ppt. The purpose of the research report is to demonstrate that the presentation is your original project with your own contribution. It should be written with Times New Roman 12 pt font size on an A4 sheet and should not exceed 2 pages. The Research report should contain the following sections: Research question/hypothesis; Methodology; Results/Conclusions, and you should indicate what kind of content was taken from a given source. The number of required sources that both your presentation and research report should be based on is minimum 5. Your sources should preferably be scholarly/academic/scientific publications as well as those typically accepted by your course instructors. Sources with a focus on popularizing scholarly or scientific knowledge should be handled with caution.
The exam will be evaluated with respect to the content, language and skills demonstrated.