Dr. Éva Pataki - CV


  • 2009 - 2012: University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies, British and North-American Literature and Culture Study Programme, British literature and culture subprogram
  • 2005 - 2008: University of Debrecen, Institute of English and American Studies, MA in English and American Studies Distance Learning Program, Master of Arts and Teacher
  • 1995 - 1997: University of Miskolc, Faculty of Arts, Translator and Interpreter certificate
  • 1994 - 1997: University of Miskolc, Faculty of Arts, English teacher BA

Degree: Ph.D.

  • Doctoral thesis: Space, Movement and Identity in Contemporary British Asian Fiction
  • Date of graduation: 2015 (summa cum laude)

Main research interests:

  • postcolonial and postmodern literature, contemporary British Asian diaspora literature and film, cultural theory, identity, gender studies

Membership in professional associations:

  • Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE), Advisory Board member
  • Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS)
  • European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)


Studies published in journals:

  1. “As much as I belong”: Space, Affect, and Identity in Isabella Hammad’s The Parisian.” Papers in Arts and Humanities 3.1 (2023): 1–15.
  2. https://artshumanities.partium.ro/index.php/pah/article/view/126/49
  3. “The Final Continent”: Geographies of Emotions and Emotional Geographies in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Short Fiction.” Prospero. Rivista di letterature e culture straniere 27 (2022). https://www.openstarts.units.it/handle/10077/34278
  4. “Lovers on the ayre”: Love as a Means and Metaphor of Identity Construction in Suhayl Saadi’s Psychoraag. Confluenţe Texts & Contexts Reloaded T.C.R. (2022): 131-147. http://confluente.univoradea.ro/images/reviste-issues/Confluente_2022.pdf
  5. Bikics Gabriella – Pataki Éva. „Kompetenciafejlesztés a Nyelvkaland ME projekt utolsó szakaszában.” Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények 14.1 (2019): 97-107.
  6. “Nae blond wigs in Glasgae”: Urban Imaginaries and Affective Relationships in Suhayl Saadi’s Short Fiction.” Skase Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies 1.1 (2019): 63-77. http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/SJLCS01/pdf_doc/06.pdf
  7. Emotional Urban Spaces: Atmosphere, Fascination and Phantasmagoria in Sunetra Gupta’s The Glassblower’s Breath (1993). Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 24.1 (2018 tavasz), 51-64.
  8. Emocionális nagyvárosi terek: Atmoszféra, bűvölet és fantazmagória Sunetra Gupta The Glassblower’s Breath című regényében. Studia Litteraria 2016/3-4 (2017), 121-134.
  9. ‘This Dasht-e-Tanhaii called the planet Earth’: The Metamorphosis of Space and Identity in Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 20.2 (2014), 79-100.
  10. Mozgásban: a turista és a flâneur Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal Tourism című regényében. Filológiai Közlöny 2 (2014), 183-197.
  11. On the Move: The Tourist and the Flâneur in Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal’s Tourism. The AnaChronisT 17 (2012/13), 264-278. http://seas3.elte.hu/anachronist/2012Pataki.pdf.
  12. Az vagyok, ahol vagyok – A lokalitás mint identitás-szimbólum két brit-ázsiai regényben. Szkholion (2011 tavasz), 75-83.

Papers published in edited volumes, conference proceedings:

  1. Oldbody to Newbody: Embodied Experiences of Age, Body and Identity in Hanif Kureishi’s ‘The Body.’ In: Attila Dósa, Ágnes Magnuczné Godó, Anett Schaffer, Robin Lee Nagano (ed), Space, Identity and Discourse in Anglophone StudiesCrossing Boundaries. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024. 33-45.
  2. Space, Affect and Identity: The Interconnectedness of the Urban Uncanny and the Self in Suhayl Saadi’s Psychoraag. Szellem és tudomány 11 : Special Issue 1 (2020), 458-464.
  3. Tér, affektus, identitás: A „kísérteties nagyváros” és az egyén kölcsönös egymásrahatása Suhayl Saadi Psychoraag című regényében. Szellem és tudomány 11 : Különszám (2020), 512-519.
  4. Homes and Belonging(S): The Interconnectedness Of Space, Movement And Identity In Three British Pakistani Novels. In: Kanwal Aroosa, Saiyma Masood Aslam (eds), The Routledge Companion to Pakistani Anglophone Writing: Origins, Contestations, New Horizons. London; New York: Routledge, 2019. 274-284.
  5. ‘Sounds from the Furthest Places’: Language, Music, and the Transfusion of Identity in Suhayl Saadi’s Psychoraag. In: Ágnes Zsófia Kovács, László Sári (eds.): Space, Gender and the Gaze in Literature and Art. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 187-200.
  6. ‘The Wilderness of Solitude’: Diasporic Spaces and Subjectivity in Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers and Meera Syal’s Anita and Me. In: Veronika Ruttkay, Bálint Gárdos (eds.): HUSSE 11. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2014. 333-348.
  7. Spaces and Topographies in British Diaspora Fiction. In: Sanda Berce, Petronia Petrar, Erika Mihálycsa, Elena Pacurar, Rares Moldovan (eds.): Cultural Imprints in the Age of Globalisation: Writing Region and Nation. The Research Centre for the Study of the British Contemporary Novel (CCRBC). Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2012, 203-13.
  8. ‘Going somewhere’: The Nomad and the Tourist in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane, Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia and Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal’s Tourism. The Round Table (2012), http://www.theroundtable.ro/Current/Literary/Eva_Pataki_The_Nomad_and_the_Tourist_in_Monica_Ali_s_Brick_Lane_Hanif_Kureishi_s_The_Buddha_of_Suburbia_an.pdf.
  9. I Am Where I Am: Location as a Symbol of Identity in Two British Asian Novels. In: Kinga Földváry, Zsolt Almási, Veronika Schandl (eds.): HUSSE10-LitCult. Proceedings of the HUSSE10 Conference, 27-29 January 2011. Literature and Culture Volume. Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár, 2011, 160-166. http://mek.oszk.hu/10100/10171/10171.pdf.
  10. Caught Between Two Worlds: The Confusion of Cultural Identity in Three British Asian Novels. The Round Table (2010) http://www.theroundtable.ro/pages/literary_studies/eva_pataki_caught_between_two_worlds.htm


  1. Egy megsokszorozódott élet: Isabella Hammad, A párizsi idegen, ford. Csonka Ágnes. 1794. (2023.03.09.) https://1749.hu/fuggo/egy-megsokszorozodott-elet-isabella-hammad-a-pari…
  2. Novel Approaches to Understanding and Conceptualizing Diaspora: Ilott, Sarah, Ana Cristina Mendes, and Lucinda Newns, eds. New Directions in Diaspora Studies: Cultural and Literary Approaches. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 26.1 (2020). https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/hjeas/article/view/7376
  3. Karádi Zsolt – Pethő József (szerk.), Az empíriától az elméletig. Tanulmányok a nyelv- és irodalomtudományok köréből. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények 13.2 (2018): 220-224.
  4. Postcolonial British Genres and Britishness—Challenged and Redefined: Sarah Ilott, New Postcolonial British Genres: Shifting the Boundaries. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 22.2 (2016), 478-482.
  5. Újfajta britség – Hanif Kureishi: A kültelki Buddha. A Vörös Postakocsi 1-4 (2012), 131-133.
  6. A Transnational Approach to Contemporary Anglophone Literatures: Silvia Schultermandl and Sebnem Toplu (eds.), A Fluid Sense of Self: The Politics of Transnational Identity. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 17.2 (2011), 403-406.


  • 30 January - 1 February: HUSSE 17: "Spaces of Exploitation and Resistence: A Postcolonial Ecofeminist Reading of Prayaag Akbar's Leila (2017)"
  • 24-25 October 2024: "Looking Back Ahead: Exploring Uniquely CanadianCultural Narrative," Debrecen University Symposium (Debrecen): "'After all, we've brought India with us': Migration, Home, and Belonging in South Asian Canadian Literature" 
  • 29 June 2023: Cosmopolitanism and Urban Cultures Workshop (Budapest): Becoming a Cosmopolite: Identity Construction and The Cosmopolitan Imagination in Isabella Hammad’s The Parisian
  • 21-24 June 2023: „A múltban gyökerező identitás jelene és jövője” Nemzetközi interdiszciplináris konferencia (Veszprém): “Home is Where the Heart is: The Diasporic Subject’s Sense of Belonging and Identity Construction in Mira Nair’s Mississippi Masala (1991)”
  • 26-28 January 2023: HUSSE 16 (Miskolc): “Oldbody to Newbody: Embodied Experiences of Age, Body and Identity in Hanif Kureishi’s ‘The Body’”
  • 14 October 2022: (Hi)Stories of Migration – Then and Now (Debrecen): “’New roads to explore’: Atmospheres, Emotional Geographies, and Affective Relationships in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘Hema and Kaushik’”
  • 27-29 January 2022: HUSSE 15 (Budapest, online): “’The Final Continent’: Geographies of Emotions and Emotional Geographies in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Short Fiction”
  • 23-24 May 2019: Arts and the City (Budapest): “Double Identities: The Urban Uncanny in Suhayl Saadi’s Glasgow Fiction”
  • 27-28 April 2018: Migrant Narratives and the City (Budapest): “Glasgow, ‘the liquid city’: Metempsychosis and Phantasmagoria in Suhayl Saadi’s Psychoraag
  • 26-28 January 2017: HUSSE 13 (Eger): “London Desires: Fascination and Phantasmagoria in Sunetra Gupta’s The Glassblower’s Breath”
  • 26-27 February 2016: Gender, Translocality and the City (Debrecen): “Cities Hated and Loved: Emotional Spaces and Atmospheres in Sunetra Gupta’s The Glassblower’s Breath”
  • 29-31 January 2015: HUSSE 12 (Debrecen): “‘Sounds from the furthest places’: Language, Music and the Transfusion of Identity in Suhayl Saadi’s Psychoraag”
  • 29 August – 2 September 2014: ESSE 12 (Kosice, Slovakia): “‘Memories relived and battened down’: The Diasporic Home as a Lieu de Mémoire in Meera Syal’s Anita and Me”
  • 24-26 May 2013: Transnational Women’s Literature (Budapest): “‘A long way from home’: Transnational Movement and the Female Nomad in Sunetra Gupta’s The Glassblower’s Breath”
  • 24-26 January 2013: HUSSE 11 (Budapest): “‘The Wilderness of Solitude’: Diasporic Spaces and Subjectivity in Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers and Meera Syal’s Anita and Me”
  • 6-8 December 2012: Cultural Imprints in the Age of Globalization: Writing Region and Nation Workshop (Cluj, Romania): “Spaces and Topographies in British Diaspora Fiction”
  • 21 March 2012: Fiatal Irodalmárok Fóruma a Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottság Irodalomtudományi Szakbizottsága és a Debreceni Egyetem Irodalomtudományok Doktori Iskolája szervezésében: “Tér, mozgás és identitás a kortárs brit ázsiai regényben”
  • 16-17 September 2011: International Conference on English Language and Literatures in English (Oradea, Romania): “Going somewhere: The Nomad and the Tourist in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane, Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia, and Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal’s Tourism”
  • 27-29 February 2011: HUSSE 10 (Piliscsaba): “I Am Where I Am: Location as a Symbol of Identity in Two British Asian Novels”
  • 15-17 May 2009: International Conference on Central Europe and the English-Speaking World (Oradea, Romania): “Caught Between Two Worlds: The Confusion of Cultural Identity in Three British Asian Novels”


Courses taught

BA in English Studies, MA in English Teacher Training:

  1. Advanced Writing and Composition (seminar)
  2. American Literature 1 (seminar)
  3. American Literature 2 (seminar)
  4. American Literature 3 (lecture): Multiethnic American Literature
  5. American Literature 4: Literary Adaptations (seminar)
  6. Autobiographical Writing (seminar)
  7. Language and Gender (seminar)
  8. Popular Culture (seminar)
  9. Teaching Contemporary American Culture and Literature (seminar)
  10. Skills Development: Reading and Speaking (seminar)

MA in English Studies:

  1. South Asian American Literature and Film (seminar)
  2. Genre Fiction (seminar)
  3. MA in English Studies:
  4. Bachelor’s Thesis Advisement
  5. Kósa Iván Márk, “Literary Adaptations and Viewers’ Expectations: A Comparative Analysis of Three Stephen King Novels.” 2022-23.
  6. Nagy Krisztina, “A Comparative Analysis of the Novels The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: The Representation of Female Trauma in the Early and Mid-Twentieth Century.” 2022-23.
  7. Tóth Edina, “Exploring The Unseen Trauma: A Comparative Analysis of PTSD in Ernest Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises' and F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' Within the Context of 1920's Gilded Age.” 2022-23.
  8. Bathó Barna Béla, “The Correlation Between Fictitious and Real-life Violence as Portrayed by the U.S. Media.” 2021-22.
  9. Héthy Amira, “The Portrayal of American Psychos in the Light of Power.” 2021-22.
  10. Pető Gergő, “The Effect of 9/11 Attacks on the American Society in Terms of Mental Health in 20 Years.” 2021-22.

Bachelor's thesis Advisement:

  • Farka Kinga Lidia, "Creating a safe Space on Paper: How Rupi Kaur Empowers Victims of Sexual Violence Through Her Poetry." 2023-24.
  • Horváth Vanessza, "The Representation of Second-Generation South-Asian Immigrants' Experiences in the USA." 2023-24.
  • Simon Viktória, "Beyond the Cage": Chaos, Death, and Mental Illness in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath." 2023-24.
  • Kósa Iván Márk, “Literary Adaptations and Viewers’ Expectations: A Comparative Analysis of Three Stephen King Novels.” 2022-23.
  • Nagy Krisztina, “A Comparative Analysis of the Novels The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: The Representation of Female Trauma in the Early and Mid-Twentieth Century.” 2022-23.
  • Tóth Edina, “Exploring The Unseen Trauma: A Comparative Analysis of PTSD in Ernest Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises' and F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' Within the Context of 1920's Gilded Age.” 2022-23.
  • Bathó Barna Béla, “The Correlation Between Fictitious and Real-life Violence as Portrayed by the U.S. Media.” 2021-22.
  • Héthy Amira, “The Portrayal of American Psychos in the Light of Power.” 2021-22.
  • Pető Gergő, “The Effect of 9/11 Attacks on the American Society in Terms of Mental Health in 20 Years.” 2021-22.

Master’s Thesis Advisement

  • Dió Borbála, “Transgenerational Trauma in Disney Animated Movies.” 2022-23.
  • Vilmek Berill Enid, "The Gendered Aspects of Shaving: An Analysis of Gender Representation in Gillette Commercials, from the 1990s to 2010s." 2023-24.

OTDK Supervision

  • Farka Kinga Lidia, "Drawing Diversity: representations of Queerness and Sexual Identity Development in Webtoons." 2024.
  • Farkas Kinga Lidia, “Creating a Safe Space on Paper: How Rupi Kaur Empowers Victims of Sexual Violence Through Her Poetry.” 2023.
Last update: 2025. 02. 04. 12:56