Dr. Glant Tibor - CV


Name: Tibor GLANT

Contact Address:
North American Department, University of Debrecen; Egyetem tér 1., 4032 Debrecen; Hungary; tel: 36-52-533-694; fax: 36-52-431-147; e-mail: tglant@unideb.hu; tglant10@yahoo.com http://ieas.unideb.hu/glant

2002-2017: Chair, Associate Professor: North American Department, Institute of English and American Studies, Debrecen University, Debrecen, Hungary
1991-2002: Assistant Professor: North American Department Institute of English and American Studies, Debrecen University, Debrecen, Hungary, acted as Deputy Chair: 1998-2001

Highest Degree: Ph.D.: University of Warwick, U.K., 1996.

2009: Habilitation in History, University of Debrecen
1996: Ph.D. in History, University of Warwick, officially recognized in Hungary in the same year
1991-94: Ph.D. program in History: University of Warwick;
1994: University Doctorate: Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary; 1993: M.A. in History: University of Warwick;
1986-91: First Degree in History and English: Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen;
1981-85: Secondary education: Lajos Kossuth Secondary Grammar School, Debrecen.

Fields of research:
American-Hungarian relations; American history and foreign policy in the twentieth century; World War I; the Trianon Treaty; the Cold War; American public opinion; American cinema (esp. race and crime); Hungarian perceptions of America, 1860s to 1914.

Language Competence:
Hungarian: native
English: advanced
Latin and Russian: basic

Teaching experience/courses taught, all in English:
Debrecen University (DU, KLTE), North American Department, since 1991
Texas Christian University, 2015-16
University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2009
Christian University of the Partium, Oradea, Rumania, 2002-2006
University of Bremen, Germany, October-November 2005
Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, 1998 & 2005
University of Warwick, Department of History, 1994

Ph.D. program:
Since 1996:Debreceni Egyetem (KLTE) American Studies doctoral program, for details see: www.doktori.hu.
Since 2011: Director of American Studies doctoral program

Editorial work:
Journal of American History, since 2001
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, since 1994
Múlt-Kor, since 2020

Membership in academic societies:
Center for International Migration Studies, University of Debrecen, director 2012- 2018
Hungarian Association of American Studies, since 1991, president since 2013
European Association of American Studies, since 1991, board member since 2013
Hungarian Society for the Study of English, since 1991
European Society for the Study of English, since 1991
Organization of American Historians, since 1991
Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, since 1998

Membership in non-academic societies/public service
Őrváros - Debrecen Szerepe Magyarország XX. századi Történelmében (A public endowment for the study of Debrecen history in the 20th century): board member 2009-16

Széchenyi Professorship, 1999-2002
Ferenc Harcsár Prize for best article in Hungarian Studies Review in 1993.

Lendület Trianon 100 Research Project, member since 2016
Fulbright Visiting Grant: Lecturing and Research: Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (USA), AY 2015/16
Hungary Initiatives Foundation Grant, Chicago and Atlanta, February 25-March 12, 2015
Campus Hungary grant for archival research in the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, Atlanta, GA, February 25-March 12, 2015
Campus Hungary grant for archival research in the Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, CA: June 8-25, 2014
STAIR-Atlantis teaching and research grant: Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, and Ann Arbor, MI: Gerlad R. Ford Presidential Library research, April 2013
2011-13. TÁMOP-4-2.2/B-10/1-2010-0024: For the funding of research programs at the University of Debrecen: American Studies Doctoral Program
2010-12: TÁMOP -4-2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007: For the improvement of Hungarian higher education through development, innovation, and education at the University of Debrecen: Hungarian historical memory sites program
Remember Hungary 1956 research grant: the 1956 Hungarian Revolution in American Memory (for the 50th anniversary), March-August, 2006.
Institute of Habsburg History, Budapest, Hungary: The Széchenyi Family and America in the 19th Century, September 2005-May 2006.
Senior Fulbright Research Grant for individual research at George Washington University, September 2000-May 2001.
Soros Scholarship for individual research: archival work at Princeton University, July, 1999.
Széchenyi Professorship, 1999-2002.
Hungarian Research Development Project: US-Hungarian Relations, 1900-1920, 1999-2001.
Hungarian ”OTKA” scholarship: US-Hungarian Relations, 1900-1920, 1998-2001.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association Research Grant: Herbert Hoover, Relief and Hungary, 1918-1920. One month during the 1997-98 academic year.
Soros Scholarship for individual research: Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, April 1997.
Salzburg Seminar: Reform in American History: Major Movements and Patterns, February 3-16, 1996.
University of Warwick, East European Scholarship, 1991-1994, combined M.A. and Ph.D. program;
British Academy Overseas Research Grant, 1992-94;
Hungarian Academy Postgraduate Scholarship, 1991-1994, Doctoral program (T.M.B.);
Soros Scholarship for individual research at the University of London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, February-March, 1991;
Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic (Köztársasági Ösztöndíj), 1988-1991.

Conferences/conference lectures

Magyarország nemzetközi kapcsolatai a hidegháború éveiben, NEB, Budapest, 23– 24 September 2020; plenary lecture: Diplomáciai és kulturális kapcsolatok Magyarország és az Egyesült Államok között [US–Hungarian diplomatic and cultural relations].
Történetek Trianon előtt és után, Bécsi Magyar Intézet, Vienna, 5 December 2019; előadás: Segélyezés és politika: az Egyesült Államok és Magyarország 1919-ben [Relief and politics: The US and Hungary in the second half of 1919].
Menedékben: Amerikai diplomaták Mindszenty bíborosról, 1957– 1970, Külügyminisztérium, Budapest, 16 October 2019; lecture: American Diplomats on Cardinal Mindszenty’s Stay at the US Legation-Turned-Embassy: Ed Alexander and Bill Shepard.
Breaking down Walls, Building the Future, Fulbright, Budapest, 17 October 2019; panel: From Underground to Protest to Commercialization: Music and the Arts.
Post-World War I Aid in Austria and Central Europe, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 26–27 September 2019; lecture: At the Crossroads of Politics and Relief: The American Red Cross in Hungary, 1919–23.
HAAS 13, Debrecen, 31 May–1 June 2019; lecture: Supporting the Vanquished: The US and Hungary in the Second Half of 1919.
HUSSE 14, Veszprém, 31 January–2 February 2019; lecture: The Myth and Reality of American Experts Shaping the Modern World in 1919.
Az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia és a történelmi Magyarország összeomlása 1918-ban: konfliktusok és megoldási kísérletek, DE-Karcag, 23 November 2018; lecture: Az USA a Nagy Háborúban [The US in the Great War]. Történelmi és emlékező konferencia a Korona hazahozatalának 40. évfordulója alkalmából, MBE-MTA, 22 November 2018; lecture:
A Szent Korona amerikai kalandja és hazatérése [The American adventure and return of the Holy Crown of Hungary]. A Szent Korona és a koronázási jelvények története és szerepe a 20. században, Parlament-Veritas-MTT, 20 November 2018; lecture: A Szent Korona amerikai kalandja (1945-1978) [The American adventure of the Holy Crown of Hungary, 1945-78].
Magyarország külkapcsolatai, lehetőségei, diplomatái 1945 után, Budapest, ELTENEB, 19-20 September 2018; lecture: Amerikai-magyar külügyi és sajtókampány Magyarország "szalonképessé" tételére 1977-ben [Joint US-Hungarian press and PR campaign on behalf of Kádár's Hungary].
HAAS 12, Budapest, ELTE, 25-26 May 2018; lecture: "Packaging Difficulties": A Forgotten Országh Story from 1965.
Conference on the Holy Crown of Hungary, Parliament, Budapest, 22 March 2018; lecture: A Szent Korona amerikai kalandja [The American adventure of the Holy Crown of Hungary].
Reading Trump 3: Hogyan alakítja Donald J. Trump az amerikai és a világpolitikát? Veszprém, 27 November 2017; lecture: Az elnökválasztás: két buborékból nézve [The 2016 presidential election as seen from the two bubbles].
Diplomat Writers, Author Diplomats, Debrecen, 20 November 2017; lecture: 1956 at Ten and Beethoven's Tenth: Edward Alexander and Hungary.
HUSSE 13, Eger, 26-28 January 2017; lecture: Abstract American Art Comes to Communist Hungary: An American Diplomat’s Reports from 1965-66.
Fulbright Homecoming Conference: Meet the Hungarian Fulbrighters of AY 2015- 2016, Budapest, 18 January 2017; lecture: TCU and US-Hungarian Relations.
Amerikai magyar érdekérvényesítés: a Hungarian Human Rights Foundation 40 éves története, Budapest, MTA, 6 December 2016; lecture: Az etnikai lobbizás lehetőségei a hetvenes évek Amerikájában [Ethnic lobbying in the US during the 1970s].
’56 Revolution: A Day of Remembrance, Fulbright, Budapest, 7 October 2016; lecture: 1956 in (Hungarian) Pop Culture.
ASN, 21st Annual Convention, Columbia University, NYC, 14-16 April 2016; lecture: A Case of Failed Ethnic Lobbying: Why ”The Last Battle for St. Stephen’s Crown” Failed.
TOPOS 3: Iconic Places/Elsewhere, Veszprém, 27-28 March 2015; plenary: Száz év tanulságai: miért kell megtanulnunk „amerikaiul” [Lessons of a century: why we must learn to speak ”American”].
Third Midwest Historians of East Central Europe Workshop, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA), 27-28 February 2015; lecture: East-Central European Ethnic Lobbying in the United States during World War I.
HUSSE 12, Debrecen, 29-31 January 2015; lecture: American Philanthropy in PostHabsburg Central Europe: A Case Study of the American Red Cross.
PI-NET Elvándorlás-Bevándorlás [Emigration-Immigration], Budapest, 3-5 December 2014; lecture: Etnikai lobbik az Egyesült Államokban az I. világháború idején [Ethnic lobbies in the U.S. during World War I].
Csataképek, életképek, emlékképek 1914-1918 [Scenes of battle, life and memory], Debrecen, 13-14 November 2014; lecture: "Úriemberhez nem méltó művészet: a karikatúra szerepe az első világháborús amerikai belpolitikai propagandában ["The Ungentlemanly Art:" The role of cartoons in World War I doemstic propaganda in the U.S.].
Central Europeans Overseas: Travel, Migration, and War: The World War I Experience, Debrecen, 20 September 2014; lecture: Travel, Migration, and War: The World War I Case Study of Dr. János Szabó.
A Nagy Háború és emlékezete [The Great War and its memory], Debrecen, 17-18 September 2014; lecture: Az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchiára vonatkozó amerikai béketervek [American peace plans for the Habsburg Monarchy].
HAAS 10: Crossing Boundaries: Migration, Amalgamation, and Transgression in American Literature, History, and Culture, Budapest, 30-31 May 2014; lecture: Nixon, Ford, and the Holy Crown of Hungary.
Expanziós törekvések a nagyhatalmi politikában, Pécs, 16-17 October 2013; lecture: Elnöki doktrínák és paradigmaváltások az amerikai külpolitikában 1945 után [Presidential doctrines and paradigm shifts in American foreign policy after 1945].
Uneasy Region: Central European Policy of Great Britain and the United States in 1918-1941, Bratislava, Slovakia, 6-7 December 2012; lecture: Central Europe in the Peace Concepts of the United States, 1917-1922.
HAAS 9: Trends in American Culture in the Post-1960s Period, Eger, Hungary, 11-12 May 2012; lecture: Route 66 Reconceptualized and Commodified.
Fulbright - Committed to the Future: Conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Hungarian Fulbright Commission and the Fulbright Alumni Association, Budapest, Hungary, 11 May 2012; lecture: The Return of the Holy Crown of Hungary, 1978.
Ninety Years of U.S.-Hungarian Diplomatic Relations, CEU, Budapest, Hungary, 10 May 2012; lecture: The Establishment of US-Hungarian Diplomatic Relations, 1919- 22.
Body and Subjectivity in post-1989 Hungarian Film: Debrecen, Hungary, 5-6 May 2012; lecture: Identitás és emlékezetpolitika Török Ferenc Apacsok c. filmjében [Identity and Memory Politics in Ferenc Török's Apacsok].
Loci Memoriae Hungaricae: Theoretical Foundations of the Research of Hungarian Memory Sites: Debrecen, Hungary, 14-16 November 2011; lecture: Mindszenty and 1956 in Contemporary English and American Film.
HUSSE 10: Piliscsaba, Hungary, 27-29 January 2011; lecture: Trends in 19thCentury Hungarian Travel Writing on the United States of America.
HAAS 8: Images of America, Debrecen, Hungary, 11-13 November 2010; lecture: What's Wrong with America? Travel Writing as a Substitute for American Studies in Hungary.
American-Hungarian Educators, 31st Annual Conference, Szeged, Hungary, 3-6 June 2010; lecture: The Representation of Native Americans in 19th-Century Hungarian Travel Writing.
Central Europe and the English-Speaking World, Oradea, Rumania, 13-14 April 2007; lecture: The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence in American Political Memory.
Conference on 1956, Debrecen, Hungary, 7 October 2006; lecture: Az 1956-os forradalom amerikai emlékezete [The 1956 Hungarian Revolution in American memory].
HUSSE 7, Veszprém, Hungary, 27-29 January 2005; lecture: Count Béla Széchenyi’s Civil War Travelogue of America.
HAAS 5: American Studies as Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice, Budapest, 26- 27 November 2004; lecture: Oriental Mystique vs. the Yellow Peril: Oriental Images in Interwar American Film.
Citizens, Nations, and Cultures: Transatlantic Perspectives, Maastricht, NL, 16-19 October 2002; lecture: The Crisis of Split Loyalties: The American-Hungarian Loyalty League and the Hungarian Experience in Wartime America, 1918.
Fulbright: Challenges and Responses, Budapest, 24-25 April 2002; lecture: Commemoration of the Return of the Holy Crown of Hungary: The 1998 Celebrations.
Organization of American Historians Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 26-29 April 2001; Fulbright round table discussant.
American-Hungarian Educators, 21st Annual Conference, Georgetown, Washington, D. C., 19-22 April 2001; lecture: The Crisis of Split Loyalties: The AmericanHungarian Loyalty League, 1918.
Nation-Making Past and Present: Community, Economy, Security. Association for the Study of Nationalism, 6th Annual World Convention, Columbia, NYC, 5-7 April 2001; commentator on panel “Romanian Identity Politics in Transylvania: Community and Education.”
34th Annual Duquesne History Forum, Pittsburgh, PA, 16-18 November 2000; commentator on panel “Ethnic Cleansing of the Hungarians by the Little Entente States.”

Hungary through the Centuries: A Millennial Retrospection. Conference in Toronto, Canada, 22-23 September 2000; lecture: American-Hungarian Relations, 1900- 1918.
American-Hungarian Educators, 20th Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24-27 May 2000; lecture: The Hungarian-American Communities and the Return of the Holy Crown.
Hungarian Association of American Studies Conference, Debrecen, Hungary, 26-28 January 2000; semi-plenary lecture: Herbert Hoover and Hungary, 1918-1921.

The 25th annual conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Princeton, NJ, 24-26 June 1999; lecture: Contested Gesture: Jimmy Carter and the Return of the Holy Crown to Hungary, 1977-1978.
Hungarian Society for the Study of English Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 January 1999; lecture: Calculated Risks? The Actual Threat of a Nuclear War During the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Hungarian Association of American Studies Conference, Eger, Hungary, 20-21 November 1998; lecture: Governor Wilson Meets Multicultural America: The Ethnic Dimensions of the 1912 Presidential Election Campaign.
The Eighth Biennial Conference on East and Central Europe, New College, Sarasota, Florida, 3-5 April, 1997; lecture: Wilson's View of Hungary Before and During World War I.
Hungarian Society for the Study of English Conference, Pécs, Hungary, 30 January - 1 February, 1997; lecture: Roosevelt and Apponyi.
Joint European Project Conference, Debrecen, Hungary, 6-7 December 1996; lecture: British Propaganda for War in Neutral America, 1914-17.
Joint European Project Conference, Debrecen, Hungary, 22-23 March 1996; lecture: The American "Diplomatic Counterrevolution."
Trianon-Konferencia, Pécs, Hungary, 27-28 October 1995; lecture: Woodrow Wilson, a Monarchia és Magyarország. [Woodrow Wilson, the Habsburg Monarchy and Hungary];
Hungarian Society for the Study of English Conference, Szeged, Hungary, 26-28 January 1995; lecture: The Image of Hungary in the American Press during the First World War. 28th Duquesne History Forum, 20-22 October 1994; lecture: The Role of Calvinism in President Wilson's Relationship to Hungary during World War I.

Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03