Dr. Kalmár György/Courses taught



AN22004BA British Literature Seminar

Second Year BA

Course description: The aim of this course, which is a follow up seminar to the lecture British Literature to 1945, is to make students get acquainted with selected works (see weekly schedule below) and discuss them in a profound analytic manner from the period covered by the lecture course.


Madness and Cinema

Seminar, 2 hrs, graded

Thursday, 8-9.40, Lecture hall II.

The seminar course Madness and Cinema aims at 1.) exploring the representation of madness in the history of cinema, and 2.) investigating the limits of meaning, knowledge and understanding within the context of the cinematic text. Our aim is to see how the representation of madness may interact with the madness of representation, how meaning is produced in relation to the meaningless (or “madness”), how films necessarily play with what is “mad”, what is outside meaning, and how the spectator may behave in different situations that involve facing the limits of knowledge.


Trends in Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies: Trends in Global Art Cinema

MA 1-2 British programme

Tuesday 8 - 9.40, Lecture hall XIV.

The aim of the course is to explore some of the new trends of global art cinema in the new millennium, with a special focus on the representation of social inequality and marginalisation. Its main goal is to put these representations in a complex, theoretically informed and socially contextualised interdisciplinary perspective that is capable of mapping the newly emerging cinematic approaches and identity formations at a time of rapid socio-economic transitions.




Előadások az osztatlan képzésben: Introduction to literary and cultural theory (3-4 év)

Szemináriumok az osztatlan képzésben:

Első év: British Literary History 1.
Harmad-negyed év: Body and Gender, Reading Literary Theory, Cinema and Gender, Derrida: Spurs/Éperons, Barthes: The pleasure of the Text, Bodies an the Screen, On Dancing (1-2)

Előadások a BA képzésben: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory

Szemináriumok a BA képzésben: Introduction to Literature and Visual Studies, Body and Gender, Cinema and Gender, Reading Literary Theory, Derrida: Spurs/ Éperons


Bevezetés a filmelméletbe 1-2. (Szabad bölcsészeknek)
Filmelmélet 1-2. (Média és kommunikáció szakon)
Bevezetés a buddhista filozófiába (értelmiségi modul)


Beveztetés a testelméletbe (DE Orvosi Kar, Társadalomorvostani Intézet)
Introduction to body theory (DE Orvosi Kar, Társadalomorvostani Intézet)


Bevezetés a kultúraelméletbe (Matthias Corvinus Kollégium, Budapest)
Bevezetés a buddhista filozófiába (PTE)

Last update: 2024. 01. 29. 17:03