35th OTDK UniDeb - Linguistics

The Department of English Linguistics organized the online event of the UniDeb Faculty of Humanities local round of the 35th OTDK, linguistics session.


  • Foroozan Hajian – Pro-drop in Farsi: confusion in bilingual perspectives (Supervisor: Keresztes Júlia)
  • Karajos Rebeka – Variation in the acceptability of overt subjects in Hungarian controlled clauses (Supervisor: Szűcs Péter)
  • Sándor Kamilla – Az -e kérdő partikula mondatbeli helye a magyar nyelvben (Témavezetők: Rákosi György, Virovec Viktória)
  • Szávó Andrea – Argument structural properties of manner-result verbs in Spanish (Supervisor: Kardos Éva)
  • Takács Gergő – The role of Hungarian suffix harmony in the adaptation of foreign verbs (Supervisor: Jánosy Márton)

Link to Facebook-event

Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03