Dr. Erzsébet Balogh


Dr. Erzsébet Balogh

Dr. Erzsébet Balogh
Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of English and American Studies, Non-independent Department of English Linguistics
Központi telefonszám
4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Emelet, ajtó
floor 1, 115


Office hours: Mon 12-1 p.m., Wed 3.45-4.45 p.m.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CV | Publications | Courses































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am a senior lecturer at the Department of English Linguistics of the Institute of English and American Studies. My main research interest lies in sociolinguistics, in particular, attitude studies, as well as language acquisition, language learning and language teaching. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last update: 2024. 08. 31. 14:16