Zsuzanna Lénárt-Muszka - CV

Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka

Curriculum Vitae

April 2022


Teaching experience

2020- : instructor, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen, Hungary

2016-2020: part-time instructor, Institute of English and American Studies and Center for Foreign Languages, University of Debrecen

2012-: ESL teacher, LingoGroup, Oxford, and Globus language schools; examiner, Globus language school


Qualifications, education

2016-2020: Doctoral School of Literature and Cultural Studies, North American Studies, University of Debrecen, title: PhD

  • Dissertation defense: 8 November, 2021, certificate no.: 180/2021/PHD, qualification: summa cum laude
  • Title of dissertation: Mothers in the Wake of Slavery: The Im/possibility of Motherhood in Post-1980 African American Women’s Prose

2015-2017: teacher of English, MA, University of Debrecen

2010-2012: MA in American Studies, University of Debrecen

2007-2010: BA in English Studies, University of Debrecen; Business English and translation specialization


Grants and scholarships

2021-2022: EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00021 „A Debreceni Egyetem fejlesztése a felsőfokú oktatás minőségének és hozzáférhetőségének együttes javítása érdekében” grant; co-authored the e-learning course „All Eyes on EYE”

2018-2019: rounds 1 and 2 of EFOP 3.6.1 “Venture Catapult” Grant for Young Researchers, aimed at developing entrepreneurship skills and social innovation; co-authored the e-learning course “Debating and Innovation”

2018: Universitas scholarship

2011: Pro Regione scholarship

2009-2010: DETEP scholarship


Memberships in professional associations

2022- : AHEA (American Hungarian Educators Association)

2021- : CEACS (Central European Asociation for Canadian Studies)

2018-: Gender Studies Network of the Society for the Study of English

2018: Workshop of the journal Alföld

2016- : Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE)

2016- : Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS)

2011-2012: Hatvani István College for Advanced Study

2009-2010: Talent Management Program (DETEP)


Language competence

English – fluent

Slovak – advanced

German – beginner


Thesis supervisions

  • 2017-2020 supervisor of twelve BA business specialization theses
  • 2018-2021: supervisor of three MA theses and three BA theses, co-supervisor of one MA thesis


Other academic experience

  • Language testing

2018- : annual complex testing and assessment of the English language proficiency of Stipendium Hungaricum PhD students at the Institute of English and American Studies (Debrecen, Hungary)

2019: revision of the oral exam tasks of the English Yardstick Exam of the Institute of English and American Studies

2018-: co-developing and testing DEtect, Institute of English and American Studies

2017-: test-maker, examiner, and co-coordinator of the English Yardstick Exam of the Institute of English and American Studies


  • Writing Center of the Institute of English and American Studies

2020- : tutor; then: faculty advisor, organizer


  • Member of the Institute Council, 2021-


  • Development of e-learning materials

2021-2022: co-author of All Eyes on EYE, an e-learning EYE prep course for students (with Dr. Ildikó Csépes, Dr. Fruzsina Szabó, Dr. Balázs Venkovits)

2021: co-author of an EFL methodology e-learning course for students (with Dr. Fruzsina Szabó)

2018- 2019: co-author of an e-learning course titled “Debating and Innovation” (with Dr. Balázs Venkovits)


  • Organizing, chairing

2021: committee member, OTDK (National Student Research Society); assessor of two papers in the national round

2019: organizing and chairing the panel “Black Women’s Experiences of Trauma” at the HAAS 13 conference (Debrecen)

2018 and 2019: co-organizer and chair the Young Researchers Workshop of the Institute of English and American Studies (Debrecen, Hungary)

2017-: member of the Organizing Committee of DEbate (a debate competition for high school students), judge


  • Courses taught

BTAN3101OMA English Language Teaching Methodology 1.

BTAN5100OMA English Language Teaching Methodology 2.

BTAN23001BA-K2 American Literature 2.

BTAN25007BA-K3 English in Advertising and the Media

BTAN10000BA-K2 Essay Writing and Research

BTAN27014BA Skills Development in Business English

BTAN10001BA-K3 Skills Development: Reading & Speaking

BTAN10002BA-K3 Skills Development: Speaking & Listening

BTAN10003BA-K3 Skills Development: Writing & Composition

BTNYF00141 Angol felsőfokú előkészítő C1

BTAN5204OMA Teaching Contemporary American Culture and Litearture

BTAN33006BA Black Women’s Writing


Courses developed

BTAN33006BA Black Women’s Writing







  1. Mothers, Mentors, and Communities in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Sapphire’s Push. Mothering, Community, and Friendship, edited by Norma I. Peña Rivera, Janet MacLennan, and Dorsía Smith Silva, Demeter Press, 2022. Forthcoming.
  2. Motherhood and the Maternal Body in The Color Purple. Critical Insights: The Color Purple, edited by Jericho Williams,  Salem Press, 2022, pp. 128-142.
  3. Reproductive Racism in Daniel Evans’s “Harvest:” Black, Chicana, and White Motherhoods in the Context of Reproductive Rights Discourses. Gender Studies vol. 20, no. 1, 2021, pp. 31-45.
  4. Narrating Motherhood: The Power of Storytelling. Rev. of Writing Mothers: Narrative Acts of Care, Redemption, and Transformation, ed. By BettyAnn Martin and Michelan Parr. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 443-447.
  5. All Eyes on EYE (2021). E-learning segédanyag az Angol-Amerikai Intézet nyelvi alapvizsgájára való felkészüléshez. Elearning.unideb.hu. Társszerzők: Dr. Csépes Ildikó, Dr. Venkovits Balázs, Dr. Szabó Fruzsina. Előkészületben.
  6. Útmutató a sikeres és önálló nyelvtanuláshoz: Kézikönyv és módszertani kisokos a DE hallgatóinak és munkatársainak (2021). E-learning course. Elearning.unideb.hu. With Dr. Fruzsina Szabó.
  7. Against the Quotidian Trauma of “lived and un/imaginable lives”: The Economics of Egg Donation and Motherhood in “Harvest” by Danielle Evans. Studies in the American Short Story, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 71-85.
  8. A vitamódszer alkalmazásának hatása a társadalmi innovációra: a vitázás elsajátításának és oktatásának összefüggései különböző kompetenciák és attitűdök fejlődésével. Conference Book I. of the 2019 Tavaszi Szél=Spring Wind Conference, 2020, pp. 625-633.
  9. Surviving the Impossibility of Black Motherhood: Trauma and Healing in Sherley Anne Williams’s Dessa Rose. [sic] – a Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation vol. 1, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-18.
  10. Affect for Mothers and Others. Rev. of Everyday World-Making: Toward an Understanding of Affect and Mothering, ed. by Julia Lane and Eleonora Joensuu. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 446-449.
  11. The Abnormal Body in Push by Sapphire. Contemporary Perspectives on Language, Culture and Identity in Anglo-American Contexts, edited by Éva Antal, Csaba Czeglédi, and Eszter Krakkó, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, pp. 189-201.
  12. „De itt vagyok”: Női és anyai énteremtés Alice Walker Bíborszín és Sapphire Push című regényében. Filológiai Közlöny no. 2, 2019, pp. 83-98.
  13. Vita és innováció: Bevezetés a vitamódszer használatába a tanórán és azon kívül (2019). E-learning kurzus. Moodle. With Dr. Balázs Venkovits.
  14. Coming of Age and Urban Landscapes in Edward P. Jones’s “Spanish in the Morning” and “The Girl Who Raised Pigeons.” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) vol. 25, no. 1, 2019, pp. 51-65.
  15. Fostering Innovation through Debating in the Classroom: Lessons from the Development of an E-learning Course for Secondary School Teachers in Hungary. Werkstatt: Arbeitspapiere Zur Germanistischen Sprach- Und Literaturwissenschaft no. 14, 2019, pp. 1-11.
  16. Hol rasszizmus van, ott rasszizmus van: Recenzió Colson Whitehead A föld alatti vasút c. művéről. Alföld: Irodalmi Művészeti és Kritikai Folyóirat no. 69, 2018, pp. 130-134.
  17. Sztereotípiák metszéspontjában: A fekete női test ábrázolásai a freak show-tól Beyoncé-ig. Szkholion vol. 16, no. 1-2, 2018, pp. 90-99.
  18. Lynching and Flying: Animal Imagery in Ralph Ellison’s Flying Home and Other Stories. Colorado Critical Review vol. 2, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-20.
  19. The Subjectivity of Pregnancy and the Trauma of Abortion in Alice Walker’s ‘The Abortion.’ Watermark: A Scholarly Journal no. 12, 2018, pp. 121-30.
  20. Transgression, Shame, and Rebellion: The Politics of Breastfeeding in African American Literature. VI. Interdiszciplináris Doktorandusz Konferencia Tanulmánykötet, 2017, pp. 351-360.
  21. ’A Twitter, a Coo, a Subdued Roar’: Animal Symbolism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.” Special Issue in Honor of Professor Zsolt Kálmán Virágos. Eger Journal of American Studies vol. 13, 2012, pp. 201-218.
  22. Benang: Establishing, Maintaining and Subverting Power. TOPOS: Journal of Space and Humanities vol. 1, no. 1, 2012, pp. 115-122.
  23. ’Erős ember kellett neki, nála erősebb’ – Az apa befolyása a főszereplő életére Doris Lessing A fű dalol című regényében. Szkholion no. 2, 2009, pp. 41-45.




Conference presentations



  1. 2022 March: Southeastern American Studies Association Conference, Birmingham, AL, USA/online: “The Regenerative Potential of Motherhood in Contemporary Black Women’s Writing.”
  2. 2022 January: HUSSE conference, Budapest/online: „The Ailing Maternal Body as a Site of Unknowability and Violence in Willa C. Richards’s ’Failure to Thrive’”
  3. 2021 December: Társadalmi innováció és egyetem a 21. században (Social Innovation and the University in the 21st Century), Debrecen/online: „Vita és innováció: a vitamódszer iskolai alkalmazása a társadalmi innováció szolgálatában” (Debating and Innovation: Using Debating in the Classroom in the Service of Social Innovation”)
  4. 2021 November: Alice Munro 90: Central European Interpretations konferencia, Budapest/online: „Ineffable Motherhoods: The Limits of Narratability in Alice Munro’s ’My Mother’s Dream’ and Willa C. Richards’s ’Failure to Thrive’”
  5. 2021 September: Contemporary Women Writing Race: Textual Interventions and Intersections Symposium konferencia, Loughborough, UK/online: „The Gendered, Racialized, and Embodied Aspects of Reproductive Technologies in Danielle Evans’s ’Harvest’”
  6. 2019 June: The Postmillennial Sensibility in Anglophone Literatures, Cultures and Media II. conference, Kosice, Slovakia: “Harvesting (from) the Black Female Body: Egg Donation and Motherhood in ’Harvest’ by Danielle Evans”
  7. 2019 June: HAAS conference, Debrecen, Hungary: “’From our own lips’: Narrative Authority and/as Healing in Sherley Anne Williams’s Dessa Rose”
  8. 2019 May: Tavaszi Szél conference, Debrecen, Hungary: “A vitamódszer alkalmazásának hatása a társadalmi innovációra: a vitázás elsajátításának és oktatásának összefüggései különböző kompetenciák és attitűdök fejlődésével” (“Using Debating in the Classroom and Its Impact on Social Innovation”)
  9. 2019 May: Tavaszi Szél conference, Debrecen, Hungary: “’Why I has the child say it back’: Trauma, Motherhood, and Memory in Dessa Rose by Sherley Anne Williams”
  10. 2019 January: HUSSE conference, Veszprém, Hungary: “Embodiment and Maternal Identity in Slavery: Sherley Anne Williams’s Dessa Rose”
  11. 2018 November: International Migration: Practice, Analysis, Discourse – Research and Methodological Innovation conference, Debrecen, Hungary: “Módszertani innováció a társadalmi problémák megvitatásában” (“Methodological Innovation in Discussing Social Problems”)
  12. 2018 May: HAAS conference, Budapest: “The Black Maternal Body in the 21st Century: The Politics of Media Representation”
  13. 2018 May: In/Equalities—Narrative and Critique, Resistance and Solidarity conference, Budapest: “Mothers, Mentors, and Cultures of Solidarity in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Sapphire’s Push”
  14. 2018 March: Interdisciplinarity in the Carpathian Basin – A conference organized by Márton Áron College for Advanced Study, Debrecen, Hungary: “A fekete női test kulturális reprezentációi: kortárs társadalmi viták” (“Cultural Representations of the Black Female Body: Contemporary Debates”)
  15. 2018 March: Fiatal Irodalmárok Fóruma, Debrecen, Hungary: “Az anyává válás traumája a kortárs afroamerikai prózában” (“The Trauma of Becoming a Mother in Contemporary African American Prose”)
  16. 2017 October: The American Short Story: New Horizons conference, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany: “Race, Class, and the Politics of Egg Donation in ‘Harvest’ by Danielle Evans”
  17. 2017 September: V. Hungarian Interdisciplinary Conference on Humor, Piliscsaba, Hungary: “Disenfranchisement, Self-reflexivity, and Identity Positions: Humor in African American Literature”
  18. 2017 March: Fiatal Irodalmárok Fóruma, Debrecen, Hungary: “A rabszolgaság hagyatéka: Az anyai test reprezentációi az afro-amerikai irodalomban” (“The Legacy of Slavery: Representations of Maternal Bodies in African American Literature”)
  19. 2017 May: Gendering the Urban Imaginary: Fantasy, Affect, Transgression conference, Debrecen: “Urban and Emotional Landscapes in Edward P. Jones’s ‘Spanish in the Morning’”
  20. 2017 May: VI. Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference, Pécs, Hungary: “Transgression, Shame, and Rebellion: The Politics of Breastfeeding in African American Literature”
  21. 2017 HUSSE conference, Eger, Hungary: “The Abnormal Body in Push by Sapphire”
  22. 2011 Hatvani István Szakkollégium workshop, Debrecen, Hungary: “Állatszimbolika Ralph Ellison A láthatatlan című regényében” (“Animal Symbolism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man”)
  23. 2011 Hatvani István Szakkollégium Students’ Conference, Debrecen, Hungary: “Állatszimbolika Ralph Ellison A láthatatlan című regényében” (“Animal Symbolism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man”)


Organizing and chairing conferences

  1. 2019 organizing and chairing the panel Black Women’s Experiences of Trauma at the HAAS 13 conference (Debrecen, Hungary)
  2. 2018 and 2019 co-organizing and chairing the Young Researchers Workshop of the Institute of English and American Studies (Debrecen, Hungary)


Other academic appearances

  1. 2019 April: Workshop of Comparative Literature and Culture (Komparatisztikai Műhely), Debrecen, Hungary: “Az anyaság lehetetlensége: hiány és tabu az afroamerikai női irodalomban” (“The Impossibility of Motherhood: Lack and Taboo in African American Literature”)
  2. 2018 February: Workshop of Comparative Literature and Culture (Komparatisztikai Műhely), Debrecen, Hungary: “A fekete női test ábrázolásának problémái a freak show-tól Beyoncé-ig” (“Representing the Black Female Body from Freak Shows to Beyoncé: Some Problems”)


Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03