
írta: Patkó Petra ErikaGale databases and information day/training session The main library of the university has decided to subscribe to some Gale Primary Resources, and Gale is now offering a one-month trial session (till 6 November), making the following primary databases available for DEENK (University Library): American Revolution; The Civil War; The Daily Mail Historical Archive;

As is now tradition, the Department of English Linguistics had its own program in the international popular science initiative "Researchers' Night" (Kutatók Éjszakája) on 27th September, 2019. This year, László Hunyadi, Péter Szűcs, Viktória Virovec, Éva Kardos and György Rákosi made interactive presentations about various aspects of language contact, with Hungarian in the focus.

írta: Papp FruzsinaThe language of the event is Hungarian. The Doctoral Committee of the School of Arts and Humanities (UD) has the privilege of inviting you to Rudolf Nyári's doctoral exam and defence on 24 September 2019. Further details: Forthcoming Ph.D-exams and defences All are welcome!  

írta: Patócs Eszter On Wednesday, September 18 both libraries are open between 9 and 12.

írta: Patkó Petra Erika We kindly ask our 3rd year full-time and part-time BA students to bring their thesis registration form to our office (Room 114.) up until the 31st of October.  

írta: Patkó Petra ErikaThesis submission deadline for students who will graduate in January 2020: 2 December, 12 p.m. (2 weeks extension is approved with the consent of the supervisor. You have to bring in the necessary form to our office – room 114/1 which can be found in our website under “Downloads for students”) Late submission deadline: 16 December, 12 p.m.

This semester, DEL is launching a new elective course for anyone interested in the Hungarian language, from a linguistic perspective. We will focus on issues that have a broader linguistic relevance and that play a central role in the grammar of Hungarian. Check out the syllabus here.

írta: Papp Fruzsina A Summer Work and Travel programmal Amerikába kiutazott fiataloknak hirdetett fotóversenyt az Amerikai Nagykövetség. A nyertes pályamunkákból rendezett fotókiállítás az American Corner Debrecen szervezésében a Méliusz Juhász Péter Könyvtárban nyílik szeptember 9-én, 17:00 órakor. A program 17.00-kor kezdődik a köszöntőkkel, ezt követik az élménybeszámolók 17.30-tól, majd 17.40-től a Debrecen Dixieland Jazz Band rövid koncertje.

írta: Kiss Erika Here you'll find the personnel changes in the Institute for the Fall semester, 2019.

írta: Papp Fruzsina The Association for Cultural Studies is delighted to announce that the next ACS Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from July 28 to 31, 2020, hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.