
írta: Patkó Petra Erika Dear Students,

írta: Patkó Petra Erika

írta: Dr. Ureczky Eszter [SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION] Tisztelt Hallgatóink!

írta: Patkó Petra Erika [SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION] Tisztelt Hallgatóink!

írta: Patkó Petra Erika Dear Students!

írta: Patkó Petra Erika Dear Students, As you already know the meeting providing information about our specializations will be cancelled. You can find information about our specializations on the following link:

írta: Dr. Ureczky Eszter Dear Students,

írta: Patócs Eszter From 16th March in accordance with university regulations book check out service in IEAS is available between 10:00 and 12:00.

The Department of English Linguistics organized a workshop where the first year PhD students presented their dissertation projects.

írta: Oroszné dr. Gula Marianna The Irish Embassy to Hungary is still accepting applications for its Irish Embassy Bursary Programme: Hungarian undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students are eligible for the award to 1.Attend a summer school in Ireland relating to the topic of the candidates' research