Artemis Books

Artemis Books series

Series editors:
Beáta Nagy
Nóra Séllei
Artemisz Könyvek 1999-2006

In the Hungarian cultural context, where feminism, including academic feminism is a later development than in the Western countries, the series was a relatively early attempt to publish and make widely available books that address the issue of gender. The two series editors, Beáta Nagy and Nóra Séllei came from different academic backgrounds: the former is a sociologist, the latter is a literary and cultural studies scholar. While the publisher did support the concept and the idea, in financial terms the series was not well provided for, which had an impact upon the pool of texts that could be published, and also on the short survival of the series. In its eight years of existence, however, it published translations of monographs and autobiographies, an edited volume of translated theoretical texts and an original Hungarian edited volume alike. Although the list looks a bit haphazard, partly reflecting on one of the editors’ research area at that time: autobiography, the volumes of the series, though painfully out of print, are still sought for. Perhaps now, in the context of two parallel universes: that of an emerging gender consciousness and that of the anti-gender movements, they are even more sought for – and more badly needed – than when the volumes were originally published.

Artemisz Könyvek [Artemis Books]. Debrecen: Csokonai Kiadó [Press].
1. Naomi Woolf. A szépség kultusza. [The Beauty Myth] Trans. Natália Follárdt. 1999.
2. Madonna Kolbenschlag. Búcsúcsók Csipkerózsikának. [Kiss Sleeping Beauty Good-Bye] Trans. Réka Görömbei, Zsuzsa Kandra, Krisztina Pázmándi, Zsófia Puszta, Nóra Séllei, Tamara Szabó. 1999.
3. Elisabeth Badinter. [L’amour en plus] A szerető anya. Trans. András Szekeres. 1999.
4. Virginia Woolf. Egy jó házból való angol úrilány: Önéletrajzi írások. [Moments of Being] Trans. and intr. Nóra Séllei. 1999.
5. Jean Rhys. Nagy mosolyt kérek! – Önéletrajzi írások. [Smile Please] Trans. and intr. Nóra Séllei. Debrecen: Csokonai, 2001.
6. Gábor Gyáni– Beáta Nagy (eds.). Nők a modernizálódó magyar társadalomban [Women in a Society of Modernisation]. Debrecen: Csokonai, 2006.
7. Nóra Séllei (ed., trans.). A feminizmus találkozásai a (poszt)modernnel [The Junctures of Feminism and the (Post)modern]. Debrecen: Csokonai, 2006.

Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:03