- Szűcs, Péter. Mutató névmások bemutatása. Interactive talk for secondary school students. University of Debrecen. 29 November 2024.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter & Rákosi, György. The acquisition of Hungarian demonstratives. ExLing 2024 Paris - 15th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics. University Paris Cité. 24 October 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. Kalandozások a névmások világában. Interactive talk for the students of Diószegi Kis István primary school, Berettyóújfalu. 24 October 2024.
- Csatár, Péter & Rákosi, György & Szűcs, Péter & Tóth Enikő. Ez + az: mire, hogyan és miért mutatnak a mutató névmások. Kutatók Éjszakája (interactive science workshop for the general public). University of Debrecen, 27 September 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. Deictic features and clausal association. 21st International Congress of Linguists. Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań). 9 September 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. In defense of a COMP-less approach to Hungarian finite clauses. Lexical Functional Grammar Conference 2024. University of Ghana (Accra). 21 August 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. Syntactic and pragmatic issues around demonstrative pronouns: An overview with focus on Hungarian clausal prolepsis. Invited Erasmus+ talk. Babeș-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca). 10 April 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. Deixis and demonstratives – An overview with special attention to Hungarian clausal prolepsis. Invited talk. Logic and Philopsophy of Science seminar. Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). 10 November 2023.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter & Rákosi, György. Demonstratives at the crossroads of empirical and theoretical linguistic research. The First Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Workshop. Károli Gáspár University (Budapest). 26 October 2023.
- Szűcs, Péter. Predicate-argument duality of proforms. The First Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Workshop. Károli Gáspár University (Budapest). 25 October 2023.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter. Contrastive uses reconsidered: the case of Hungarian exophoric demonstratives. Olinco 2023. Palacký University, Olomouc, 8 June 2023.
- Szűcs, Péter. Demonstratives as propositional proforms in Hungarian. Olinco 2023. Palacký University Olomouc. 8 June 2023.
- Csatár, Péter & Tóth, Enikő. A magyar demonstratívumok exoforikus használata: újabb eredmények a kontrasztáló használatról. SZEPRA: Újdonságok a szemantikai és pragmatikai kutatásokban. University of Szeged. 21 April 2023.
- Szűcs, Péter. Unification and adjunction in the analysis of propositional proforms. 33rd South of England LFG Meeting. University of Oxford/online. 29 October 2022.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter. Affective demonstratives in BNPs: a corpus study. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. University of Ljubljana, 15 September 2022.
- Szűcs, Péter. Expanding the empirical landscape of propositional proforms: a covert noun-based adjectival type in Hungarian. PLM2022: 51st Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 8 September 2022.
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2024. 11. 28. 11:21