Dr. Enikő Tóth
Dr. Enikő Tóth
associate professor

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of English and American Studies, Non-independent Department of English Linguistics
Központi telefonszám
E-mail cím
4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Emelet, ajtó
floor 1, 120/1 (lecturers’ room)
Office hours: Wednesday: 10:00-11:00, Thursday: 13:00-14:00
CV | Publications | Courses
I graduated in mathematics and English in 1999, I got my PhD in English linguistics in 2007. My main fields of interest are semantics, pragmatics and experimental linguistics.
My primary research interests are related to the syntax/semantics interface and experimental pragmatics. I have worked on mood choice in complement clauses, the interpretation of focus structures and the pronoun interpretation problem in Hungarian. My current research explores the use of demonstratives from a crosslinguistic perspective, with a special reference to Hungarian.
Selected publications:
- Tóth, E. (2025) Empirical perspectives on the use of Hungarian nominal demonstratives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. preview
- Rákosi, Gy,, Tóth, E. (2022) Pushed out of arm's reach. Pronouns and spatial anaphora in Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Academica 69(2): 235-255.
- Tóth, E. (2020) Some insights on demonstrative use in Hungarian: results of a controlled-dialogue game. Argumentum 16: 209-229. pdf
- Tóth, E. (2018) A production study on the choice of Hungarian demonstratives. Argumentum 14: 110-123. pdf
- Tóth, E., Csatár, P. (2017) Preverbal Focus and Syntactically Unmarked Focus: A Comparison. In: Joseph Emonds and Markéta Janebová (ed.) Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Olomouc: Palacký University, 227-244. pdf
- Rákosi, Gy., Tóth, E. (2016) The pronoun interpretation problem in child Hungarian. ACTA LINGUISTICA HUNGARICA 63(1): 63-96.
- Tóth, E. (2008) Mood Choice in Complement Clauses. A Semantic Approach with Special Reference to Hungarian. Metalinguistica 21. Frankfurt am Main: Lang. preview
Last update:
2025. 02. 03. 10:08