Dr. Olga Bársony

Dr. Péter Pelyvás

Dr. Béla Hollósy

Ágnes Abuczki (webpage)
Ágnes Abuczki spent the 2013-2014 academic year in our department, teaching language skills classes (Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary), Introduction to Linguistics as well as English in Advertising and the Media. Her main research interests included critical discourse analysis, conversation analysis, discourse analysis-pragmatics interface, nonverbal communication and multimodal human-computer interaction.
Gábor Csernyi
Gábor Csernyi worked as a lecturer from 2012 to 2015. His main research area was computational linguistics and natural language processing. He was involved in the HunGram project to work on the computational implementation of a Lexical–Functional grammar of Hungarian. He was also interested in corpus linguistics and CALL (computer-assisted language learning). He taught grammar clases, presentation skills and word processing.
Dr. Péter Furkó (webpage)
He was a (senior) lecturer at IEAS between 2001 and 2013. He is primarily interested in linguistic pragmatics with a focus on discourse markers. In addition to skills classes (grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening) he taught Introduction to Linguistics and Pragmatics courses at IEAS.Further information about his current research interests and publications can be found at: https://btk.kre.hu/index.php/furko-peter
Réka Jurth
Réka Jurth was a lecturer in the department between 2016 and 2018. In her research she focused on the study of the argument structure Hungarian verbs in a generative framework. She taught Introduction to Linguistics as well as various skills classes (Vocabulary, Speaking and Listening, Grammar).
Judit Kiss-Gulyás
She joined the academic staff in 1990 and was head of Department of English Language Learning and Teaching (now called Department of English Language Pedagogy) from 2002 to August 2011 (till her retirement). Her main areas of interest were applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, ELT methodology and the language of media and advertising. Her research centered around how the grammar of the second language is represented in the mind at different levels of interlanguage development, and how sentences are processed. She was the first in Hungary to have published second language acquisition research applying the theoretical framework of generative syntax. She taught various courses in the field of applied linguistics (Applied Linguistics, Language Analysis for Teaching Purposes, English in Advertising and the Media, Psycholinguistics, Syllabus Design and Coursebook Analysis, ELT Methodology, Second Language Acquisition Research) as well as Language Practice and Translation.
Dr. Helga Vanda Koczogh
She was one of the lecturers in our department between 2011 and 2017. Her academic interests included sociolinguistics, pragmatics and gender studies with special focus on gender differences in conversational style and in the expression and function of disagreement strategies. In addition to teaching introductory classes to linguistics, Intercultural Pragmatics and Business English, she taught sociolinguistic courses such as Introduction to Gender Studies, The English Language from a Sociolinguistic Perspective, Language and Gender. Her teaching duties also included various skills classes (Grammar, Speaking and Listening, Writing and Composition).
Dr. Béla Korponay ✝
Founding head, professor and subsequently Professor Emeritus of our Department of English Linguistics. He started working as a lector in the English Department (now Institute of English and American Studies) in 1957. He founded the Department of English Linguistics and acted as its head between 1991 and 1995. Béla Korponay had a pivotal role in the launching of the Department’s PhD program under his directorship in 1994, the launching of an English teacher training program at the University of Miskolc in 1992, as well as the organization in the 1980s of a nationwide scholarly forum called “Anglisztikai Napok” (Days of English Studies) for teachers of English and (theoretical and applied) linguists. In 1997, he was honored with the title Professor Emeritus in acknowledgement of his outstanding achievements as a scholar and teacher.
Béla Korponay was regarded as an internationally recognized and widely cited authority in the field of case grammar. His fertile scholarly activities are marked by four monographs, seven edited or co-edited volumes, five self-authored or co-authored textbooks and anthologies, numerous reviewed articles, as well as studies in conference volumes. At the end of his career, he turned to cognitive semantics. In his research, he focused on the role of semantic relations in sentence structure, especially from a Hungarian-English contrastive perspective. He taught descriptive English grammar, History of English, Introduction to Linguistics, Case Grammar, Lexicology and Cognitive Linguistics.
Dr. Tibor Laczkó (webpage)
He joined the department in 1986 and taught till 2019, serving as the chair between 1995 and 1998, as well as between 2011 and 2017. He is one of the few linguists in Hungary who adopted Lexical-Functional Grammar as his theoretical model. His research areas included Hungarian and English syntactic, morphological and morphosyntactic phenomena with especial attention to verbal predicates, discourse functions, noun phrases, nominalization, relational nouns, possessive constructions, participles, finite and non-finite clauses, and bracketing paradoxes. In addition, his interests extended to the computational implementation of the grammar and the teaching of Hungarian and English as foreign languages. He founded the Lexical-Functional Grammar Research Group (LFGRG) in 2008 to pursue the goal of developing a comprehensive, computationally implemented grammar of the Hungarian language in a wide comparative setting. He taught Introduction to Linguistics, introductory and advanced seminars on syntax and morphology, descriptive English grammar and (generative) syntax.
Dr. Pál Lieli ✝
Before he joined our academic staff in 1993, he had taught in the Institute of Slavic Studies (formerly known as Russian Department). His research focused on historical linguistics. Until his retirement in 2010, he offered courses in two broad fields: translation and historical linguistics. He gave lectures in translation theory and Translation seminars in both English and Hungarian. He also taught various historical linguistic lectures and seminars including survey courses in the history of English and seminars on the language of Shakespeare and the history of the English language. He regularly taught Hungarian to intenational students in the Debrecen Summer School.
Instructor at the University of Debrecen between 1984 and 2023. His main activities included teaching English language classes, engaging in phonetic research and creating multimedia materials for language learning.
Margarita Németh
She worked as a lecturer in our department between 2017 and 2019. Her main research areas included experimental linguistics, interlingual pragmatics, intercultural communication and sociolinguistics. She taught The Social and Discourse Aspects of Language and various skills courses such as grammar, vocabulary and translation.
Júlia Keresztes
A PhD-graduate from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, she worked as a lecturer in our department between 2018 and 2021. Her research focused on the restrictions on specific displacements in syntax, object-drop in languages, and other phenomena related to pronouns. At IEAS/DEL, she taught grammar, general linguistcs and vocabulary building classes.
Márton Jánosy
He worked as a lecturer at DEL between 2019 and 2021. His main research were the phonetics-phonology interface, variation, diachronic language change, and analogy. He taught courses related to these fields as well as grammar/vocabulary development and presentation skills classes.