Eszter Ureczky
Eszter Ureczky
commissioned head of department

Szervezeti egység
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of English and American Studies, Non-independent Department of British Studies
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4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Emelet, ajtó
floor 1, 104 (Lecturers’ room)
Her fields of research and teaching are contemporary Anglophone fiction and film studies, more specifically the representation of the diseased body, care and medicine, which she interprets from the perspective of the medical humanities, biopolitics, bioethics, disability studies, and ageing studies. Her fields of interest also include food studies and the representation of food and eating in 20th century literature and film.
Office hours in the Autumn term: Wed. 12-14
CV | List of publications | Courses taught
Last update:
2025. 02. 04. 12:31