DEL presentations
Here is a list of recent presentations by our faculty. For more, please visit the faculty profile pages.
- Tóth, Ágoston & Abdelzaher, Esra'. Improving the lexicographic accessibility of WN through LLMs. Global WordNet Conference 2025. University of Pavia. 28 January 2025.
- Pethő, Gergely (University of Regensburg, University of Debrecen, Hungarian Research Institute for Linguistics) & Abdelzaher, Esra' (University of Debrecen - DEL) & Menon, Ragini (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften) & Campedelli, Gustavo (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg) & Tittel, Sabine (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften). Evaluating generative language models on historical texts: A comparative study of Arabic, Latin and two low-resource medieval languages. Österreichische Linguistiktagung 2024. Universität Innsbruck. 18 December 2024.
- Kardos, Éva. Result creation and modification in Hungarian. International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification 2024. Nihon University (Tokyo). 16 November 2024.
- Rákosi, György. Hungarian. PaVeDa Workshop - The Pavia Verbs Database: Current progress and perspectives. University of Pavia. 14 November 2024.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter & Rákosi, György. The acquisition of Hungarian demonstratives. ExLing 2024 Paris - 15th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics. University Paris Cité. 24 October 2024.
- Cserép, Attila. Metaforaazonosítás magyar nyelvű szövegekben. Talk given at the Colloquium of the Debrecen Chapter of the Hungarian Linguistics Society. University of Debrecen. 3 October 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. Deictic features and clausal association. 21st International Congress of Linguists. Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań). 9 September 2024.
- Csatár, Péter & Cserép, Attila. Comparison of American and European metaphors of immigrants. “Johnson-Reed 100 Years Later”: Critical Reflections on the Global Legacy of US Immigration Quotas, 1924-2024. University of Debrecen. 22. August 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. In defense of a COMP-less approach to Hungarian finite clauses. Lexical Functional Grammar Conference 2024. University of Ghana (Accra). 21 August 2024.
- Furkó, Bálint Péter & Tóth, Ágoston. The contrastive analysis of English ‘of course’ and Hungarian ‘persze’ through human and AI annotation. 1st Contrastive Pragmatics Symposium. HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics (Budapest). 19 July 2024.
- Cserép, Attila. Metaphorical representations of immigrant and refugee in Hungarian online media. 10th International Conference on Language, Culture, and Mind. Masaryk University (Brno). 13 July 2024.
- Kardos, Éva & Pethő, Gergely. Results are independent from telicity: Evidence from result modification in Hungarian. Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs/Adjectives and Prepositions/Participles. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona). 11 June 2024.
- Rákosi, György. Datives and for PPs in competition: A diachronic change in Hungarian. 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 12 May 2024.
- Hodeib, Christina. Impoliteness in Syrian Arabic: Analyzing responses to a Facebook video. EPICS XI - International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive, and Social Pragmatics. Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville). 23 May 2024.
- Szűcs, Péter. Syntactic and pragmatic issues around demonstrative pronouns: An overview with focus on Hungarian clausal prolepsis. Invited Erasmus+ talk at Babeș-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca). 10 April 2024.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. University students' perceptions of excuses in student emails. Encounters in/among language, literature, and arts. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Miercurea Ciuc). 22 March 2024.
- Szávó, Andrea. Lexical and superlexical resultatives in Hungarian. Konstanz Linguistics Conference. University of Konstanz. 21 March 2024.
- Kardos, Éva. A magyar igék lexikális szemantikájának megszorítottsága. Talk given at the Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok 35 volume launch. Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics (Budapest). 14 December 2023.
- Szűcs Péter. Deixis and demonstratives – An overview with special attention to Hungarian clausal prolepsis. Invited talk. Logic and Philopsophy of Science seminar. Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). 10 November 2023.
- Szűcs, Péter. Predicate-argument duality of proforms. The First Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Workshop. Károli Gáspár University (Budapest). 25 October 2023.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter & Rákosi, György. Demonstratives at the crossroads of empirical and theoretical linguistic research. The First Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Workshop. Károli Gáspár University (Budapest). 26 October 2023.
- Tóth, Ágoston & Abdelzaher, Esra. Probing visualizations of neural word embeddings for lexicographic use. eLex 2023: Electronic Lexicography in the 21st century. Brno. 29 June 2023.
- Christina Hodeib. Impoliteness-related emotions: A Syrian Arabic perspective. SymPol 2023 - 14th Symposium on Politeness. University of Madeira. 4 July 2023.
- Rákosi, György. Possessive traits in Hungarian reflexives and object pronouns. International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 16. Universität Graz. 29 June 2023.
- Rákosi, György. A magyar névmási visszautalás nyelvtana: a referenciális függőségek típusai. ÚNKP UD Conference. 12 June 2023.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter. Contrastive uses reconsidered: the case of Hungarian exophoric demonstratives. Olinco 2023. Palacký University Olomouc. 8 June 2023.
- Rákosi György. A nyelvi tudás természetéről. MTA Középiskolai Alumni Program. Hőgyes Endre Gimnázium (Hajdúszobolszló). 7 June 2023.
- Szűcs, Péter. Demonstratives as propositional proforms in Hungarian. Olinco 2023. Palacký University Olomouc. 8 June 2023.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. Pre-service teachers’ stereotypes about their future students. Psychological Perspectives on Second/Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Silesia. 20 May 2023.
- Rákosi, György. Hungarian. PaVeDa Workshop - The Pavia Verbs Database: State of the art, challenges, and perspectives. University of Pavia. 17 May 2023.
- Rákosi György. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv és Irodalomtudományok Osztálya könyvbemutatója. András Kertész Csilla Rákosi: Inconsistency in Linguistic Theorising. MTA (Budapest). 10 May 2023.
- Balogh, Erzsébet & T. Balla, Ágnes. A nyelvi menedzselés folyamatának átgondolása idegen nyelvi gyakorlati példák tükrében. PeLiKon 2023: A nyelv megújuló szerepe az oktatásban. Eszterházy Károly Catholic University (Jászberény). 21 April 2023.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. Teacher identity development of pre-service teachers. Discourse, Culture and Representation III. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Miercurea Ciuc/Online. 21 April 2023.
- Rákosi György. Magam, önmagam, jómagam vagy engem? Science Café. Debrecen. 2023.március.22.
- Rákosi György. Engem(et) és magam(at): birtokos szerkezettel bíró személyes és visszaható névmások a magyarban. Nyelvészeti Esték a Károlin. Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem. 2023.március 9.
- Balogh, Erzsébet & Kiss, Nikolett. Complexity and accuracy in Hungarian university students' English essays. HUSSE 2023. University of MIskolc. 26 January 2023.
- Tóth, Ágoston & Abdelzaher, Esra. BERT helps in sense delineation. DH_Budapest_2022 & DARIAH Days. Eötvös Loránd University, (Budapest), 24 November 2022.
- Rákosi, György. Adalékok a visszaható névmási birtokosok történeti fejlődéséhez. Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 5. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, 17 November 2022.
- Szűcs, Péter. Unification and adjunction in the analysis of propositional proforms. 33rd South of England LFG Meeting. University of Oxford/online, 29 October 2022.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. Hungarian pre-service teachers' perceptions of and attitudes towards the teaching profession. Sixth International Conference of Applied Linguistics 'Languages and People: Problems and Solutions'. Vilnius University, 29 September 2022.
- Kardos, Éva & Szávó, Andrea. The structure of the event domain reflects scopal relations in Hungarian: Evidence from resultatives and depictives. SinFonIJA 15: the 15th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis. University of Udine, 22 September 2022.
- Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter. Affective demonstratives in BNPs: a corpus study. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. University of Ljubljana, 15 September 2022.
- Szűcs, Péter. Expanding the empirical landscape of propositional proforms: a covert noun-based adjectival type in Hungarian. PLM2022: 51st Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań), 8 September 2022.
- Szűcs, Péter. Constructions with propositional proforms. LFG22: the 27th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference. University of Groningen, 13 July 2022.
- Rákosi, György. Some notes on the contribution of Hungarian anaphors. LFG22: the 27th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference. University of Groningen, 12 July 2022.
- Rákosi, György. A magyar névmási visszautalás nyelvtana: a referenciális függőségek típusai. ÚNKP UD Conference. Online, 13 June 2022.
- Szűcs, Péter. Új megközelítések a propozíciókra utaló mutató névmások területén. ÚNKP UD Conference. Online, 13 June 2022.
- Rákosi, György. Visszaható névmások és koreferencia a magyarban. Újdonságok a szemantikai és pragmatikai kutatásokban. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 29 April 2022.
- Narimanishvili, Tamari & Cserép, Attila. Challenges of metaphor identification in L2 essays. 15th Biennial HUSSE Conference. Budapest, 29 January 2022.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. The identification of student cheating strategies in online tests. Socially responsible linguistics - Applied linguistics conference. ELTE/Online, 19 November 2021.
- Kardos, Éva & Szávó, Andrea. Revisiting event lexicalization in Hungarian: constraints on the encoding of Path/Res in verbal particles and resultative PPs. The international workshop on secondary predication 2021. Tokyo, Japan/Online, 31 October 2021.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. Teacher trainees' views on their current studies and their future career. Contemporary crossroads: Studies in English applied linguistics. Online, 9 September 2021.
- Kardos, Éva & Jánosy, Márton & Pethő, Gergely & Szávó, Andrea. Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition - Evidence for non-facilitative transfer from the acquisition of resultatives in L3 Spanish. Workshop on complex predicates across languages: variation and acquisition, 54th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Online, 31 August 2021.
- Rákosi, György. The singularity of Hungarian reciprocals. 15th international conference on the structure of Hungarian. Pécs, 25-26 August 2021.
- Kardos, Éva & Jánosy, Márton & Pethő, Gergely & Szávó, Andrea. Non-facilitative transfer in the L3 acquisition of Spanish. International conference of the Réseau d’Acquisition des Langues Secondes (Second Language Acquisition Network). University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 6 July 2021.
- Rákosi György. Anafora: A magyar névmási visszautalás rendszere, avagy variáció a rendszerben. ÚNKP UD Conference. 14 June 2021.
- Rákosi, György. Reciprocals vs plural reflexives: A singular difference. Thursday interdisciplinary colloquium at the School of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Science Studies. Tel Aviv University/online, 6 May 2021.
- Tóth, Ágoston. Egy szó mint száz szám. XXVIII. magyar alkalmazott nyelvészeti kongresszus. Online, 20 April 2021.
- Balogh, Erzsébet. Középiskolás diákok angol nyelvi preferenciája. XXVIII. magyar alkalmazott nyelvészeti kongresszus. Online, 19 April 2021.
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2025. 01. 31. 13:30