DEL research

Research at DEL

This page gives an overview of the research interests and activities of our department, with selected highlights that characterise our scientific work.

Researchers at DEL (for detailed information, see the profile pages of our faculty members)

Name Research interests Key publications
Éva Kardos lexical semantics, syntax

Kardos, Éva. 2024. Culmination phenomena across language. Language and Linguistics Compass 18(5). 1-24.

Kardos, Éva & Farkas, Imola-Ágnes. 2022. The syntax of inner aspect in Hungarian. Journal of Linguistics 58(4). 807-845.

Kardos, Éva. 2021. Lexical semantics. In Aarts, Bas & McMahon, April  & Hinrichs,  Lars (eds.), The handbook of English linguistics (2nd ed.), 501-523. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Kardos, Éva. 2016. Telicity marking in Hungarian. Glossa: a Journal of General Linguistics  1(1)/41. 1-37.

Péter Szűcs syntax, information structure

Szűcs, Péter. 2024. Azt/úgy/olyat hallottam: Magyar demonstratívumok grammatikalizálódása endoforikus használatokban. Magyar Nyelv 120. 308-331.

Szűcs, Péter. 2024. Predicative and argumental demonstratives as clausal proforms in Hungarian. In Janebová, Markéta et al. (eds.), Language use and linguistic structure: Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2023. 138-150. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc.

Szűcs, Péter. 2017. English left-peripheral constructions from an LFG-perspective. Linguistica Brunensia 65(1). 67-80.

György Rákosi syntax, semantics, language acquisition, historical linguistics

Rákosi, György. 2012. In defence of the non-causative analysis of anticausatives. In Everaert, Martin & Marelj, Marijana & Siloni, Tal, (eds.), The Theta System: Argument structure at the Interface, 177-199 Oxford University Press.

Rákosi, György. 2008. The inherently reflexive and the inherently reciprocal predicate in Hungarian: Each to their own argument structure. In Ekkehard, König & Gast, Volker (eds.), Reciprocals and reflexives: Theoretical and typological explorations, 411-450. New York/Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Rákosi, György. 2006. Dative experiencer predicates in Hungarian. Utrecht, Hollandia: Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap.

Rákosi, György. 2003. Comitative arguments in Hungarian. In Willemijn, Heeren & Papangeli, Dimitra & Vlachou, Evangelia (eds.), Uil-OTS Yearbook 2003. Utrecht University.

Enikő Tóth semantics, (experimental) pragmatics

Tóth, Enikő. To appear. Empirical perspectives on the use of Hungarian nominal demonstratives. Sheffield: Equinox.

Rákosi, György & Tóth, Enikő. 2016. The pronoun interpretation problem in child Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 63 (1). 63-96.

Tóth, Enikő & Csatár, Péter & Banga Arina. 2014. Exploring Hungarian and Dutch gestural demonstratives, In Veselovská, Ludmila & Janebová, Markéta (eds.), Complex visibles out there,  607-625. Olomouc: Palacky University Press.

Tóth, Enikő. 2008. Mood choice in complement clauses: A semantic approach with special reference to Hungarian. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Ágoston Tóth lexicography, language technology, large language models

Tóth, Ágoston & Abdelzaher, Esra. 2023. Probing visualizations of neural word embeddings for lexicographic use. In Medved', Marek & Měchura, Michal & Tiberius, Carole & Kosem, Iztok & Kallas, Jelena &  Jakubíček, Milos & Krek, Simon (eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (Proceedings of the eLex 2023 conference), 545-566. Brno: Lexical Computing.

Tóth Ágoston & P. Márkus, Katalin & Pődör, Dóra. 2022. Lexikográfia és szótárdidaktika az angoltanárképzésben – helyzetkép. In Eőry, Vilma & Tóth Ágoston (eds.), A szótár az oktatásban: A lexikográfiától a szótárhasználatig, 27-60. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.

Tóth Ágoston. 2014. The company that words keep: Distributional semantics. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.

Attila Cserép lexicology, idiomatic language

Cserép, Attila. 2017. Idiom variation and decomposability: Variation in the noun phrase. Yearbook of Phraseology 8. 95-144.

Cserép, Attila. 2012. Idiom analyzability: An intuition-based study. In Pamies, Antonio & Pazos Bretaña, José, Manuel & Luque-Nadal, Lucia (eds.), Phraseology and Discourse: Cross-linguistic and corpus-based approaches, 143-163. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.

Erzsébet Balogh sociolinguistics

Balogh, Erzsébet. 2022. Középiskolás diákok angol nyelvi preferenciája. In Navracsics, Judit & Bátyi, Szilvia (eds.), Nyelvek, nyelvváltozatok, következmények I.: Nyelvoktatás, nyelvelsajátítás, nyelvhasználat, fonetika és fonológia. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.

Christina Hodeib pragmatics, intercultural pragmatics, pragmatics-sociolinguistics interface

Hodeib, Christina. 2024. Conceptualizations and evaluations of (im)politeness in Syrian Arabic. Journal of Politeness Research 20(2). 297-318.
Hodeib, Christina. 2021. Variability in perceptions of (im)politeness in Syrian Arabic: The observers' perspective. Argumentum 17. 125-160.
Hodeib,Christina. 2020. On the discursive expression of politeness in Syrian Arabic: The case of apologies. Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány 22(2). 1-34.

Andrea Szávó syntax, lexical semantics

Kardos, Éva & Szávó, Andrea. 2024. Event lexicalization in Hungarian. In den Dikken, Marcel & Kishimoto, Hideki (eds.), Formal perspectives on secondary predication, 95-126. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.


Research projects at DEL

  • Ongoing projects
    • György Rákosi, Péter Szűcs and Enikő  Tóth participate in the funded research project "A comprehensive account of Hungarian demonstratives: a multi-methodological approach" (NKFIH K22_143417) between 2022-2026. More information about the research group is available here.
    • Four of our colleagues (Éva Kardos, György Rákosi, Péter Szűcs, and Enikő Tóth) participate in the project Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Syntax of Hungarian, which publishes a series of monographic overviews of Hungarian syntax with Amsterdam University Press. (Postpositions and postpositional phrases, Nouns and noun phrases Volume 1, Nouns and noun phrases Volume 2)
    • György Rákosi is a researcher in the the international "PaVeDa–Pavia Verbs Database" project, which aims to develop an open-source relational database for investigating verb argument structure across languages.
    • Éva Kardos and Andrea Szávó are now members of an international project running from 2024 to 2026.  Title of the project:  An investigation of syntactic structures for specifying predication and modification relations. Funding agencies: Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Project events: IWSPM2024
  • Past projects
    • Éva Kardos was the PI of a "Tudományos Mecenatúra" grant (grant no. MEC_SZ_21 140880) funded by the NKFIH from 2022 to 2023, which allowed our department to organize the International Workshop on Maximalization Strategies in the Event Domain on April 17-19, 2023. The project also included Péter Szűcs, Christina Hodeib, Andrea Szávó and Marcel den Dikken (Hungarian Research Network, Budapest and Eötvös Loránd University).
    • The Lexical-Functional Grammar Research Group (funded by the OTKA grant "A Lexical-Functional approach to the Hungarian language") was led by our former colleague Tibor Laczkó. It operated between 2008-2019, with the fundamental goal of providing an appropriate and efficient formal setting for teaching and research activities based on Lexical-Functional Grammar, concentrating on English and Hungarian. The team included György Rákosi, Péter Szűcs (linguistic research and grammar writing), and Ágoston Tóth (computational implementation).
      The HunGram subproject focused on the development of an LFG-based computational grammar of Hungarian in the XLE-frame. The resulting HG-1 Treebank is accessible here, and smaller treebank is hosted by the INESS platform.
    • Our department also hosted an OTKA-project on the Hungarian pronominal system between 2015-2019. The principal investigator was György Rákosi, who has a general interest in anaphoric dependencies, and team members included Enikő Tóth (demonstratives) and Péter Szűcs (pronominal associates of clauses). The project also included the computational implementation of Hungarian pronominal structures and the first language acquisition of pronominal anaphora.

Last update: 2024. 12. 22. 08:51