This semester, DEL is launching a new elective course for anyone interested in the Hungarian language, from a linguistic perspective. We will focus on issues that have a broader linguistic relevance and that play a central role in the grammar of Hungarian. Check out the syllabus here.
írta: Papp Fruzsina A Summer Work and Travel programmal Amerikába kiutazott fiataloknak hirdetett fotóversenyt az Amerikai Nagykövetség. A nyertes pályamunkákból rendezett fotókiállítás az American Corner Debrecen szervezésében a Méliusz Juhász Péter Könyvtárban nyílik szeptember 9-én, 17:00 órakor. A program 17.00-kor kezdődik a köszöntőkkel, ezt követik az élménybeszámolók 17.30-tól, majd 17.40-től a Debrecen Dixieland Jazz Band rövid koncertje.
írta: Kiss Erika Here you'll find the personnel changes in the Institute for the Fall semester, 2019.
írta: Papp Fruzsina The Association for Cultural Studies is delighted to announce that the next ACS Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from July 28 to 31, 2020, hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.
írta: Patócs Eszter IEAS LIBRARY SUMMER OPENING HOURS from 1st July: Monday-Thursday 9:00-14:00 Friday 9:00-12:00 Library101 and Library116/3 will be closed between 22nd July and 9th August.
írta: Papp Fruzsina For the summer office hours of offices 112 and 114, please see the attachment below: Office hours
írta: Papp Fruzsina The University of Huddersfield offers partial-tuition scholarships for several of their postgraduate programmes for MA students who wish to start their PhD studies in England. Further information:Scholarships in Huddersfield
írta: Patkó Petra Erika As part of this year's Night of Museums events Dr. Balázs Venkovits, assistant professor at the Institute of English and American studies and curator of the exhibition entitled "Revolutionaries, Travelers, Emigrants - Hungarians in America" will give a guided tour both in English and Hungarian on 22 June.
írta: Patkó Petra Erika FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE FOR BA STUDENTS 2019 Oral part of the final exam for all BA students: June 11. from 9.00 Room 119. DMM9NE HTCEM5 JF8Z8E PF7C2U F7ES3C FBIGMJ ILUJLN UV726O NVFD2W E4JEWW BY194A G8EQU1 JWFQBQ June 11. from 9.00 Room 109. BQ9GVo GDARR5 PART4D CPSJBJ Z0V4OM KMIIAN JJUFA5
írta: Patkó Petra Erika You are cordially invited to the launch of the latest issue of HJEAS, edited by Zsolt Győri, which also contains the thematic bloc Cities: Literature and the Urban Imagination. This group of essays comes with an introduction by Ágnes Györke and showcases some intriguing papers delivered at conferences organized by the Gender, Translocality, and the City Research Group.