
írta: Patkó Petra ErikaFirst year MA students and fourth year teacher-training students have to submit their thesis registration form until 1 June 2020 in our office (114/1). The thesis registration form can be downloaded from our website (For Students/Downloads for students).

írta: Patkó Petra Erika Dear 1st and 2nd Year BA Students, Please hand in your Track/Stream/Specialization/Minor Registration Forms to our office 114. until noon on the 15th of April 2020.

írta: Dr. Ureczky Eszter The Institute of English and American Studies kindly invites you to the public guest lecture given by Armela Panajoti, University of Vlora ‘Ismail Qemali’, Albania Blogging Albania: Reconstructing Images in the Eye of the Beholder Time: 12.00 p.m., 11 March 2020, Venue: Studio 111 (Main building)

írta: Patkó Petra Erika For 1st year students of English Studies: Information about specializations: (Business English and Translation) 25th March 2020, 12:00 p.m. Venue: Main Building, XIV. Lecture Hall Information about the English Minor Programme: 25th March 2020, 13:00 p.m. Venue: Main Building, XIV. Lecture Hall  

The Department of English Linguistics invited everyone to spend an evening full of fun and friendly competition with us Wednesday night (02/26 8pm) in Studio 111.

írta: Patkó Petra ErikaThesis submission deadline for students who will graduate in June, 2020: 31 March, 12 p.m. (2 weeks extension is approved with the consent of the supervisor. You have to bring in the necessary form to our office – room 114/1 which can be found in our website under “Downloads for students”) Late submission deadline: 14 April, 12 p.m.  

írta: Patkó Petra ErikaFirst year MA students and fourth year teacher-training students have to submit their thesis registration form until 31 May 2020 in our office (114/1). The thesis registration form can be downloaded from our website (For Students/Downloads for students).

írta: Oroszné dr. Gula Marianna The Irish Embassy to Hungary is now accepting applications for its Irish Embassy Bursary Programme: Hungarian undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students are eligible for the award to 1.Attend a summer school in Ireland relating to the topic of the candidates research

Fehér Krisztina (Department of Hungarian Linguistics, University of Debrecen) gives a talk at DEL on February 12, 2020 in Room 111.

írta: Kiss ErikaHere you'll find the personnel changes in the Institute in the Spring semester 2020.