
In Spring 2021 some of our students will have the opportunity to participate in our Speaking Skills Development program, in which they will discuss a variety of topics regarding professional and colloquial language use with students at Indiana University, Bloomington (IUB) (USA) with a special interest in second language acquisition and education.

The UniDeb Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics cordially invites everyone to the complex exam of Esra Moustafa Abdelzaher Abdelkareem. The topic of the dissertation: The applications of FrameNet

The Department of English Linguistics organized the online event of the UniDeb Faculty of Humanities local round of the 35th OTDK, linguistics session. Program:

We are pleased to announce that Marcel den Dikken (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) will be teaching a minicourse on argument structure in our department from Nov 5-7. For more information on the course, please click this link.

írta: Papp Fruzsina

írta: Patkó Petra Erika Dear Students, You can find all the necessary documents (graduating student's declaration, application form for 50-credit moduls) at the following link:

írta: Patócs Eszter Free trial access to Grove Art Online database is available until 22nd October. The database includes peer-reviewed articles contributed by nearly 7,000 scholars from around the world, accompanied by images, bibliographies, and links to additional resources.

írta: Tóthné dr. Espák Gabriella   Congratulations and a warm welcome to all our new students in September 2020!  

írta: Patkó Petra Erika We kindly ask our 3rd year full-time and part-time BA students to bring their thesis registration form to our office (Room 114.) up until the 31st of October.  

írta: Patkó Petra Erika Thesis submission deadline for students who will graduate in January 2021: 30 November, 12 p.m. (2 weeks extension is approved with the consent of the supervisor. You have to bring in the necessary form to our office – room 114/1 which can be found in our website under “Downloads for students”)