Talent management at DEL

Talent management at DEL

Talent mentoring is an integral part of our work in the Department of English Linguistics. We find it important to provide our students with opportunities to hone their academic skills in an international environment. As such, we often organize colloquium talks and minicourses by international scholars.

Apart from these, our undergraduate and graduate students can present their work in a variety of scholarly venues, such as the following:

National Student Conference (OTDK)

This is a biennial event where students present original research and compete for prizes in the local and national round of the conference. DEL participants and results:

Name Year Title of project Results Supervisor
Lilla Kamilla Sándor 2023 Az -e kérdő partikuláról múlt idejű feltételes módú igealakot tartalmazó főmondatokban   Viktória Virovec
Rebeka Karajos 2023 PRO or pro - investigating the covert subjects of Hungarian -ván/-vén participial clauses   Dr. Péter Szűcs
Andrea Szávó 2021 Argument structural properties of manner-result verbs in Spanish 2 Dr. Éva Kardos
Lilla Kamilla Sándor 2021 Az -e kérdő partikula mondatbeli helye a magyar nyelvben 3 Dr. György Rákosi, Viktória Virovec
Rebeka Karajos 2021 Variation in the acceptability of overt subjects in Hungarian controlled clauses   Dr. Péter Szűcs
Anna Ware ✝ 2019 Zero in Hungarian 1 Dr. Éva Kardos
Andrea Szávó 2019 The L2 Acquisition of Telicity Marking in English by Native Speakers of Hungarian: A Cross-Sectional Study of L1 Transfer 2 Dr. Éva Kardos
Viktória Virovec 2019 “Kellesz”, mint a “kell” jövő ideje 2 Dr. György Rákosi
Szimonetta Fodor 2019 First Language Acquisition - On The Acquisition of Pronouns   Dr. György Rákosi
Viktória Virovec 2017 On the use of the definite article by pro-dropped possessors in Hungarian 3 Dr. György Rákosi
Réka Jurth 2013 A rezultatív szerkezetek és az igekötők eloszlása a magyar nyelvben 1 Dr. György Rákosi
Péter Szűcs 2011 Operátoremelés a magyarban   Dr. Tibor Laczkó
Erika Lődár 2011 Internally caused verbs in Hungarian 3 Dr. György Rákosi
Enikő Kovács 2011 On idioms and the anticausative alternation in English and Hungarian 1 Dr. György Rákosi
György Rákosi 1999 On the defininetess of Hungarian and English generics and proper nouns 1 Dr. Tibor Laczkó
Ágoston Tóth & Péter Furkó 1997 Teaching Intonation in Computerised Speech Laboratories 1 Dr. Tibor Nagy

For prospective OTDK-participants - If a paper is awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize or gets an honorable mention in the conference, it will be accepted as a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. The grade on this thesis is an automatic 5.


  • New National Excellence Program
    This is a Hungarian state scholarship opportunity for students wishing to conduct research with a supervisor.
    • Sólyom Csilla-Ibolya (2023) - L3 acquisition of pronominal forms. Supervisor: Dr. Éva Kardos.
    • Andrea Szávó (2022) - Investigating the syntax and semantics of Hungarian resultative constructions in light of new empirical data. Supervisor: Dr. Éva Kardos.
    • Viktória Virovec (2017) - The use of the definite article with covert pronominal possessors in Hungarian. Supervisor: Dr. György Rákosi.
  • Fulbright
    The "Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher" program allows students to advance their research for a short period of time (5 months) at a U.S. institution.
    • Andrea Szávó (2024 fall): Visiting Student Researcher at University of Texas at Austin.

DETEP (University of Debrecen Talent Management Program), National Higher Education Scholarship

DETEP is one of the talent management programs at UD. Students interested in research are encouraged to join this program to earn extra credits for their degree and receive a scholarship for producing research in the form of papers and/or conference presentations. Students currently involved in the program:

  • Zsófia Dara (2025. Research topic: The grammar of adverbial expressions in English and Hungarian. Supervisor: Dr. Éva Kardos.)
  • Kamilla Sándor (2025. Research topic: Question particles. Supervisor: Dr. Enikő Tóth)

Other talent management activities

DEL Language Group

This is our reading and discussion group.

DEL Language Fair
The goal of this workshop series is to celebrate linguistic diversity. Students present their research on various languages and receive detailed feedback on their work from the faculty at DEL.

International Speaking Skills Development Program

We also administered an international speaking skills development program in collaboration with Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) from 2021 to 2023, where students at UD could improve their intercultural skills and became more confident in speaking English in an academic environment, whereas students at IUB completed their capstone project requirements for their TESOL certificate by providing carefully planned instruction under supervision (see student testimonials here and here).

LiPS at DEL (Linguistic Puzzles for Students)

This was an event where students competed for prizes by solving linguistic puzzles created by our faculty.

Last update: 2025. 03. 13. 14:21