Lénárt-Muszka Zsuzsanna

Office hours: WED 2-3 and THU 2-3
CV | Publications | Courses
Dr. Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka is an assistant professor at the North American Department of the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen. She earned her MA degree in American Studies in 2012 at the University of Debrecen, and her MA in teacher training in 2017. The title of her dissertation as well as the topic of her monograph (Budapest, Balassi Kiadó, 2024) is Mothers in the Wake of Slavery: The Im/possibility of Motherhood in Post-1980 African American Women’s Prose. Her research interests include the portrayals of motherhood, womanhood, and women’s bodies in contemporary North American (US & Canadian) literature and visual culture. She mainly teaches courses on North American literature and culture as well ELT methodology.