PhD. programmes

The Institute invites applicants from among its own graduates as well as graduates of other universities. Only students with a university/MA degree are accepted, based on an interview that evaluates the applicant's research plan, academic performance, and general professional intelligence. For further conditions, see the general regulations on the home pages of the Doctoral Schools.  There are three Ph.D. subprogrammes affiliated to the Institute of English and American Studies, all recognised by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB). These are, in the order of their establishment, the American Studies (1993), the English Linguistics (1994), and the British Studies (1998) subprogrammes.

Two of our Ph.D. programmes are part of the Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies, UD:  

British literature and culture subprogramme

North-American literature and culture subprogram


The third programme is part of the Doctoral School in Linguistics, UD:

English Linguistics subprogramme

Last update: 2023. 07. 31. 12:56