Tibor Laczkó (Károli Gáspár Reformed University) will be teaching a phd-course course at DEL on Lexical-Functional Grammar this semester. All interested people are welcome, the syllabus can be accessed here.
News and events
The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Esra Moustafa Abdelzaher Abdelkareem's preliminary PhD defense. Time: 6 July 2022, 13:00 Place: UD Main building, room 111 The title of the dissertation: Improving the microstructure of monolingual learner's dictionaries: Challenging sense delineation Supervisor: Dr. Ágoston Tóth
We are pleased to announce the International Workshop on Maximalization Strategies in the Event Domain, to be held in our department from April 17-19, 2023. For more information, please visit the workshop website: https://maximalizationworkshop.wordpress.com/
Congratulations to our colleagues, Dr. György Rákosi and Dr. Tibor Nagy, who were awarded by the dean at the faculty ceremony on 25 June 2022.
The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics kindly invites everyone to Christina Hodeib's PhD-defense (online). Meeting link: https://unideb.webex.com/unideb/j.php...
The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Amira Dhifallah's second year complex exam (doctoral studies).
The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Tamari Narimanishvili's second year complex exam (doctoral studies).
https://unideb.hu/tanarseged-49 A Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Angol-Amerikai Intézet, Angol Nyelvészeti nem önálló Tanszék pályázatot hirdet tanársegéd munkakör ellátására. A jogviszony típusa: munkaviszony