The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Viktória Virovec's second year complex exam (doctoral studies).
News and events
The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Christina Hodeib's preliminary PhD defense. Time: June 22, 2021, 13:00 Place: online, link:…
Dr. Tóth Enikő egyetemi adjunktus (Debreceni Egyetem) 2021. június 16-án (szerdán) tartja habilitációs előadásait nyelvtudomány tudományágban, a Debreceni Egyetemen. A tantermi előadás címe: Deixis and reference Kezdete: 10:00 óra (on-line előadás) A tudományos előadás címe: A főnévi mutató névmások használatáról a magyar nyelvben
Link to online event:… Abstract
The language of this event is Hungarian. Vargha Fruzsina Sára (Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont) Kvantitatív nyelvföldrajz
The International Speaking Skills Program has turned out to be a great success. The students from UD and Indiana University, Bloomington have enjoyed this opportunity and learned a few things about how to communicate their ideas in a professional environment in a pragmatically adequate manner.
The language of this event is Hungarian. DAB Nyelvészeti Esték online - Szendrői Kriszta előadása
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden and unexpected passing of a dear colleague and friend, Pál Lieli.
We are inviting our students and anyone interested to join our linguistics symposium. Everybody is welcome!
Congratulations to all IEAS participants in the OTDK (National Student Conference) and especially to those who have been awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize.