The language of this event is Hungarian. Gervain Judit (Univ
Integrated into "The English sentence" lecture (on 9 December, 2021), DEL delivers the following online talk: Lena Henke (Research Group Language Cycles, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences) Cross-Cultural Psycholinguistics with Smartphones: The Little Prince Project
We’re delighted to let you know that DEL will host an international workshop on maximalization strategies across languages in April 2023 thanks to the Mecenatúra grant of HUF 5056000 provided by the Hungarian National Research Funding Agency (the NKFIH). The PI of this grant is Éva Kardos, the co-organizers of the workshop are Éva Kardos and Marcel den Dikken (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and Research Institute for Linguistics, ELKH, Budapest).
Az esemény nyelve angol. The language of this event is English. Antonio Medina-Rivera, PhD (Cleveland State University) Language perceptions and language attitudes in Puerto Rican Spanish
The aim of this three-day intensive minicourse is to introduce and discuss issues arising in connection with the structure of nominal expressions.
Az esemény nyelve angol. The language of this event is English. Meeting link:… Josep Ausensi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) The division of labor between grammar and the lexicon: A middle ground between lexicalism and neoconstructionism
The Department of English Linguistics invites you to the following lecture: Josep Ausensi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Towards a root-sensitive approach to event structure Time and place: 12:00, October 13th, 2021University of Debrecen, Main building, Institute of English and American Studies, Lecture hall II
Nyelvészettel a világ körül - Az DE-AAI Angol Nyelvészeti Tanszékének programja a Kutatók Éjszakáján
A Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság Pragmatika Tagozata, a Pragmatika Centrum Országos Kutatóközpont és a Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara 2021. szeptember 10-én (pénteken) a Debreceni Egyetemen rendezi meg soron következő kerekasztal-konferenciáját: Kísérletes pragmatika Magyarországon
The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics cordially invites everyone to Béla Lukács's second year complex exam (doctoral studies).