
We are happy to announce that Lilla Pintér (Pázmány Péter Catholic University) will be teaching an MA course on child language acquisition in 2022 spring at DEL. The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of child language. While examining the trajectory of acquisition in typically developing children, we will also discuss the efficiency of the use of various research methods.

date: 25 March 2022 venue: Dékáni Tanácsterem (the faculty meeting room on the third floor, access via/by the dean's office) 12:00-12:30 George Boakye-Yiadom (supervisor: Csatár Péter) Thematic Analysis of Metaphors in Political Cartoons: the case of Ghanaian cartoonist 12:30-13:00 Mohammadrasoul Tayebi (supervisor: Csatár Péter) Figurative Language in Interpretation (Translation)

The Department of English Linguistics invites you to the following online talk: Chit-Fung Lam (University of Manchester) Challenges of local and long-distance binding of Chinese reflexives: syntactic relations, semantic co-reference, and pragmatic logophoricity 14:00-16:00, March 23rd, 2022  

Big congratulations to Dr. György Rákosi, who has recently become editor of Acta Linguistica Academica, an internationally recognized journal on general linguistics. We wish György all the best with this important new appointment!

The UD Doctoral School of Linguistics and the Department of English Linguistics kindly invites everyone to Esra’ Moustafa Abdelzaher's dissertation proposal talk. Title: Improving the microstructure of monolingual learner's dictionaries: challenging sense delineation Supervisor: Dr. Ágoston Tóth

The International Speaking Skills Development Program is back! In Spring 2022, 16 first-year students will have the opportunity to participate in our International Speaking Skills Development Program, in which they can discuss a variety of topics regarding professional language use with undergraduate and graduate students from Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) with a special interest in second language acquisition and education.

Students majoring in English and Hungarian at the University of Debrecen and American learners of Hungarian at Cleveland State University celebrated the Hungarian Language Day together on 13 November with this video, where they talk about learning languages.

The language of this event is Hungarian.   Gervain Judit (Uni­v

Integrated into "The English sentence" lecture (on 9 December, 2021), DEL delivers the following online talk: Lena Henke (Research Group Language Cycles, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences) Cross-Cultural Psycholinguistics with Smartphones: The Little Prince Project

We’re delighted to let you know that DEL will host an international workshop on maximalization strategies across languages in April 2023 thanks to the Mecenatúra grant of HUF 5056000 provided by the Hungarian National Research Funding Agency (the NKFIH). The PI of this grant is Éva Kardos, the co-organizers of the workshop are Éva Kardos and Marcel den Dikken (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and Research Institute for Linguistics, ELKH, Budapest).