David Eddington (Brigham Young University) as guest lecturer at DEL.

Join DEL for a Linguistic Fun Night! Time: 6 p.m., April 3, 2025 Place: Studio 111, Main Building

Professor Kontra Miklós (Károli Gáspár Reformed University) will teach a minicourse on sociolinguistics in Debrecen at DEL between 3-5 April 2025.

Tóth Enikő's book "Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives" has just been published by Toronto University Press.

The dissertation proposal talks of Kiss Nikolett, Marton Andrea, Tóth-Szakál Gabriella.

We are going to deliver an info session about our Linguistics M.A. programmme.

The UD Department of English Linguistics invites you to the following talk: Parragi Flóra (University of Amsterdam): Regulatory factors on grapheme-colour associations: Insights from Hungarian-speaking synesthetes

Péter Szűcs visits Diószegi Kis István primary school in Berettyóújfalu on 24 October 2024 and talks about various aspects of pronouns for the students. As a bonus, he'll also perform some music with his custom-made electric guitar.

Éva Kardos receives a research grant in the amount of 1 500 000 HUF from the University of Debrecen research program for outstanding publications.